TALES OF A VILLAGER BY TONNY OGWA It has been a season of festivities and celebrations all over the country with people celebrating graduations and parties after gradu ations and animals slaughtered in the parties after graduation. Well, our humble hamlet wasn't left behind this time round. We too had our own equal share of this grandeur. And it was grand. If it wasn't I would have told you so. My village is not known for anything. Kamreri pacho has never been mentioned in any news bul letin or any of the local dailies. You see, even you the brightest amongst your kinsmen and the only hides and skins degree holder from your clan has no idea what I'm blabbing continously about. This doesn't mean Kamreri has never had her own share of greatness. No omera. Yet Kamreri sits at the heart of South Nyanza. Legends have it that Mreri our ancestor was the most beloved of Ramogi's grandchildren. Of course y'all know Ramogi is the father of all Jorieko (intellects) south of the Sahara and north of Limpopo. And I'm a direct descendant of Ramogi. But you already know this so there's no wisdom in reminding you. I did not summon you under my tree today to tell you about my village. You all have your own villages to talk about. Neither did I call you here to tell you about my ancestors. Y'all know how shrewd they were (yours truly is their blood, ahem). Still the bottom of this story does not begin before the name of one or two of our most outstanding ancestors is invoked. So I hail the spirits of Nyochieng Kogiri the valiant worrier who lived and died in the nineteen pat opuk (1900s). He wrestled rhinos, elephants and Lions to secure us land. And when the white man came to steal from us, he told him in verbatim to go hug a cactus tree then ride atop a porcupine back to wherever hole he crawled from. Today we excrete in large open fields thanks to his efforts. And we are not very proud to say he would have made a very good friend to the deputy president had he lived in this time. Of course you'll know Uliam's appetite for land.