The Young Professional volume 001 Jan 2014 | Page 7

2. When did you join LYP and how has it benefited you?

I was one of the first Member's in the LYP Mombasa Chapter when it was initiated. Before that, i had been an active member of the young professionals online Forum( and used to contribute a lot towards the various topics being aired and debated. It was good to associate with like minded people from different parts of our Country which was not possible before. I am the Community Development Director in the Mombasa Chapter. My Fellow LYP's and Myself interact, connect and enrich ourselves by doing CSR activities for the less fortunate in and around Mombasa.

7. Any advice to other business minded professionals?

My advice would be to Keep quality and human touch in the goods and services you provide! Success is compulsory and a right if you adhere to this. Quick schemes and not keeping promises dents the image and name of your organization...give your Customer more than he pays you for even at your cost at times to maintain lifelong relationships. We get Former Students Children and Grand Children of former students coming for Yaris Training...that speaks for itself!

"Mature Human beings seek not only a

decent salary and interesting things to do,

but also the means to develop themselves

as persons, to serve others, to find a

sense of meaning in their work....... Alexandre Havard"