New year resolutions: Setting goals that work
It is that time of the year, when many people take time to reflect on the year that was and hopefully plan ahead. This especially after the festive season where many overspend and find themselves in a fix come January when life returns to normalcy and the bills come fast and furious. This fact unfortunately does not help in changing the cycle, since the rat race continues and the chase keeps on.
However, research has shown that people who make resolutions are 10 times more likely to achieve their goals than people who don’t. A new year gives us all the opportunity to make changes in our lives. To review and make changes where necessary, to pursue new goals and reinforce commitment to some of the things we are passionate about but may have overlooked them with the busyness of life. New Year's resolutions are, as one author wrote, "a triumph of hope over experience". They're a way to quantify what we wish for ourselves. They are a means to cataloguing our personal dissatisfactions. And, perhaps most importantly, they are a method of erasing errors of the past year. A new year gives us a chance to start all over again and make corrections where necessary - such a great opportunity for anyone looking for change.
Unfortunately, for most people, New Year resolutions last only till the end of the first month, some have altogether stopped making them out of frustration from past experiences. It's easy to give up on making resolutions because you've convinced yourself you just can't change.
Don't be too hard on yourself, Resolutions are an introduction of some form of change to a normal way of life and therefore meets resistance, however with some effort and insistence, you may just crack it this year.
Here are some tips and some examples of common New Year resolutions to help you make the best set of New Year's resolutions yet.
Common New Year resolutions
Spend More Time with Family & Friends
Join a Fitness club
Maintain a healthy lifestyle
Quit Smoking, drinking or some other addiction
Get Out of Debt, save or invest more
Learn Something New
Get Organized
Get a new job, start a business
Make an appointment for a checkup
Devote more time to your hobbies
Open a savings account
Conquer a fear
Help someone else
Visit a new destination