The Young Chronicle: For Grade 3 April 26th, 2015 | Page 2
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How the Himalayas Formed
Many of you would know
that the Himalayan Range
is divided into Himadri,
Himachal, and the Shivalik
ranges. Of these, the Himadri range is the highest, followed by the Himachal range, and the Shivaliks.
China) in Ladakh, acts like a sea, with
tides and waves.
Since the Himalayas were formed because of two land masses or tectonic
plates colliding, it formed ripples, the
highest of those (being close to the fault
line), being the Himadri. The ripple effect of the earthquake that would have
occoured when the masses collided, formed
the Himachal (which are not as tall as the Himadri) and the Shivalik.
The Himalayas are home to many semiologists and Scientists studying Geography, topography, rocks and fossils.
If you analyse, you’d deduce that when India’s
and china’s land mass collided,
emerged and the ancient
Tethys Ocean got submerged into the earth’s
crust. Evidence of the
same lies in the sedimentations on mountains observed in the Ladakh region, and the fact that
Pangong Tso (a huge lake
running across India and
Why is Rahul Gandhi After the Land Acquisition Bill?
The government has to acquire a lot of land for public
projects. Many times this
land is already owned by
people. The government
buys this land and compensates the land owner suitably.
The land acquisition bill ensures that the government
suitably rehabilitates and
compensates the land owners.
The re-introduction of the
rehabilitation and resettlement Act, for amendments
in the Parliament by the
Modi Government, has witnessed a strong bone of
contention. The Right to Fair
Compensation and Transparency in
Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and resettlement Act is an act that governs and
manages land acquisition. The 2013
Land Acquisition Act aims to provide fair
compensation to those whose lands have
been taken away. The 2013 Act had
been replaced by the Land Acquisition
Act, 1984 recently.
The Land Acquisition Bill, 1984, allowed
the Government to acquire private
lands. Under it, the displaced people
were only liable for monetary compensation linked with market value of land in
question, which was still quiet minimal.
However, several amendments have
been practiced over the years. The UPA1 had introduced the Amendment Bill in
2007. The Government had also introduced The Rehabilitation and Resettle-
ment Bill, in the same
year, for people who
have been displaced.
The recent ordinance
introduced by the Modi
Government aims to amend
Section 10(A) of the Act to
expand sectors where
assessment & consent will
not be required.
When the Act came into
force in 2013, its purpose
was not only to provide
compensation to the land
owner, but also extend
rehabilitation and resettlement benefit to people who have been affected by it.
However, the recent ordinance introduced by the Modi
Government aims to amend Section 10(A) of the Act to
expand se