The Young Chronicle: For 2nd Graders December 19th, 2014 | Page 2

YOUNG CHRONICLE November 28th, 2014 THE YOUNG CHRONICLE How Jesus Was Born Once upon a time, there was a young woman Mary. Mary lived in the town of Nazareth (now in Israel). She quietly did her chores and was kind to everyone. She was already engaged to be married to Joseph. Joseph was a carpenter. One day, Mary was at home cleaning her room, when an angel appeared before her. While Mary was still awe struck, the angel told Mary that she was favored by God, and that God was with her. Mary was surprised. She tried not to be afraid, but she had never seen an angel before. After all, Mary was just a regular lady. Why was this angel visiting her? What did the angel want? The angel quickly reassured Mary, and asked her to not be afraid. The angel said that, "God has found favor with you. You will have a baby boy, and are to give him the name Jesus." Mary was confused. But then Mary relented and said that, “I am the Lord's servant, and I hope everything you have said will come true." Very soon Mary and Joseph got married. The Holy Spirit performed a miracle, and because of this her baby was called the Son of God." Soon after, the government decided that they should count everyone that lived in that area of the world. So Joseph had to take Mary to his town, Bethlehem to register. It took Mary and Joseph a long time to get to Bethlehem. They probably had to walk most of the distance, so it probably took them a lot longer to get there. This was very tiring for Mary because she was soon going to have a baby. When they reached the town, they could find no place to stay. Since many had come to the town, to get their families counted, the area was crowded. Finally, someone offered them a place to stay. The Bible doesn't say for sure where they stayed but most people think that they stayed in a small barn where animals were kept. Mary and Joseph were thankful that they at least had a place to lay down. It was warm, and there was plenty of straw to lay on. That night, the miracle finally took birth. Jesus was born. He had been sent by god to save the world. The little baby boy fell asleep in Mary's arms and she wrapped him in cloths and laid him in a manger on some clean straw. Mary and Joseph soon fell asleep, they were so glad to have this special baby join their family. Soon the angels and the shepherds came to visit Jesus. They say that a new star shined in the skies, telling people from far away lands that Jesus was born. King Herod, threatened by Jesus, was set to kill him as he was afraid that Jesus would be a threat to his throne. Just around then, an angel came in Joseph’s dream and told him to take Jesus to Egypt, as King Herod was on the look out for Jesus and killing babies in search of him. Joseph quickly escaped. When King Herod died, Joseph, Mary and Jesus return to Nazareth. Jesus grew up to become a carpenter and made ploughs. He could read and write as well even without receiving any formal education. Jesus was known to resist temptations. He soon came to be known as the healer of people. Slowly and steadily Jesus’s miracles and divinity started getting popular. He started giving discourses to people. He once also calmed a storm; fed a crowd of 5,000 people with just a slice of bread; and walked on water. These and a number of other miracles made people believe that he was divine.