The Young Chronicle: For 1st Graders November 8th, 2014 | Page 6

Chu Chu Chidiya was born after 20 days of her mother nursing and keeping her egg warm. This put her mother, and other brothers and sisters to worry, humming birds seldom took that long… but Chu Chu’s beak didn’t have the strength to break the shell. Her mother was completely overjoyed when she saw a little pink pointed beak tip barely making itself visible, trying to peck at the shell and come out. Her brothers were immediately sent to fetch grain for the little one… and the sisters helped the poor birdie out.

How Chu Chu Chidiya learnt to Fly!

From the outset, the entire family knew that Chu Chu was the special one, she was the smallest of all humming birds, and her eyes opened after 7 whole hours! Her mother fed her grain by grain with her beak, worrying that her pretty little one may not survive.

But with the love and affection of her mother and brother- sisters, Chu Chu Chidiya started walking without stumbling. About 11 weeks had passed, and her mother started wondering why Chu Chu was not flying. So her mother decided to teach her how to fly. The entire Humming Bird Community gathered, to see Chu Chu take the plunge. But seeing so many people, and the height of the tree, Chu Chu got scared. She’d ake a step closer to the tip of the branch, and then a step back. Then she’d muster the courage and step to the tip again, and then back again. Seeing this routine, her mother had no choice. Her mother directed her other children to fly down and make sure chu chu doesn’t get hurt incase she falls. And just as soon as chu chu stepped at the tip, her mother pushed her!

Off little Chu Chu fell, but just as she was half way down, she started flapping her wings desperately, and took a flight. She did flounder a bit, but Chu Chu Chidiya learnt how to fly. And now she is considered to be one of the best fliers amongst Humming Birds, thanks to the little push her mother gave her.