The Young Chronicle: For 1st Graders January 16th, 2015 | Page 5

YOUNG CHRONICLE REACHING FOR THE COOKIE JAR Yana could eat cookies for breakfast, lunch, a tea snack (of course), as dinner, then dessert and sometimes, for no reason at all. She could trade in some of her favourite toys for a little bag of cookies. During the summer vacations, Yana, to her poor mother’s dread, paced up and down the house, munching on cookies. She couldn’t read through a story book with hundreds of pictures in it, go help daddy water the posies in the evening, or even go skip with her closest friends without a bag of cookies to accompany her. One day, after making eyes, lips and noses on chapattis with jam during breakfast, their pet dog Skippy walked into the kitchen as well, wagged his fluffy tail and looked up to mummy – which meant that mummy had to reach out all the way up to the top shelf and fetch t