The Yearly 12 | Page 11

through their barricade and pinned John to the far wall. Max had run in and tackled his friend before the tank could obliterate him. They couldn’t move or the gunner would have seen them. John had two holes where the laser rounds had gone through him. He had patched them up when they were in the clear and taken his friend to safety.

It wasn’t until later in the war that Max had lost his legs. He was clearing a corridor when the militant from the former Chinese Republic opened fire and took both of his legs out. He was rushed to the field doc and had both amputated at the knee and was given the titanium ones that he still wore today. The shock that he went through rendered him unable to sleep. He could meditate and put the rest of his body to rest, but could never physically sleep again.

That was almost twenty-five years ago now. He walked to the newsstand where the computers were compiling all of the news that had happened in the previous day. He glanced at his palm chip again and saw it was now about three in the morning. The computer stopped whirring and he pressed the button in the center to automatically send the paper to his chip.

He went to the park even though it was still pitch black out and started to glance through the paper. The main article was, of course, another call for men at arms to fight for the NACA. They had new conquests almost every two months or so. He skipped the article and went straight to the royalty section. The monarch of the NACA had four lovely daughters, one the exactly the age of Max. He didn’t mind reading about them or what they were up to and so he read through the article.

It happened to be that princess Lilier, ironically the one that was his age, was visiting his city on this exact day. The flight was soon to be arriving. Then all of a sudden he saw the plane much to high to be landing. The bright jet was in the distance but he could tell something was wrong.

The lights were flashing and the plane was tilting to one side. It looked as if one of the left engines had gone out. The plane was flying at a very low altitude. It was heading straight towards the city.

The next thing Max knew he was flying towards the plane with his new PFP. Hegrew closer and closer to the jet. He had no idea what he would do if or when he got there.

He was flying side by side with the jet and slowly made his way to the emergency exit. He opened the hatch and got inside the plane.

The princess was seemingly glued to her chair. A look of terror was over her and her knuckles were white as she gripped the chair. Max checked to see if she was all right and then headed to the cockpit. The pilot was sweating profusely and glancing frantically at all of his gauges. Max immediately saw the problem. The gas gauge read empty.

He quickly showed the pilot the nearest landing strip so he could put the plane down. Max stepped quickly off of the plane and flew away into the night. The night concealed him very well and he got away without anyone seeing who he really was.

Later that morning, the princess thanked the anonymous man who saved her life. Max smiled when he saw the speech and continued with his day.

Thank you Sam for your submition.