The Yachtsman 2017-2018 The Yachtsman 2017-2018 | Page 41

R PAY C A C T I V I T I E S R PAY C A C T I V I T I E S LIFE MEMBERSHIP AWARD P  Life Membership Award – Peter Kennett eter Kennett was elected a Life Member of The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club. Peter (pictured with his wife, Helen) joined the Club as a Full member in 1974, previously being a junior member. Peter has sailed since a young age, firstly in Manly Juniors and upon joining the club, as a Senior Member in Lasers, competing in State, National and World Masters Championships. He also sailed in Etchells and can more recently be found each week racing keelboats. Peter joined the General Committee of the Yacht Club in 1984. His help with consultation and legal expertise was invaluable to the success of that Committee. He has served on the Race, Boatshed and Works, House and Election Committees. Peter stayed on the General Committee until the Club restructure and then continued on as a Board Director. Peter has now joined the Maintenance and Development Committee and continues to generously offer legal advice to the Club. CLUBMANSHIP AWARD T  Clubmanship Award – David West he Clubmanship Trophy recognises the effort of Members who have made a significant contribution to the Club across a range of activities and is elected by the Commodore. This year the Commodore choose a member who has made a significant contribution across a multitude of areas in a very unassuming but not unnoticed way including, to name but a few: • A regular part of the race management team and has been for countless years! • Regularly on hand to hear protests • Member of the Archives committee – spending hours on end in a windowless room We are proud to announce that the 2017/18 ‘Clubmanship Award’ goes to David West. Congratulations and well-deserved David. ARCHIVES COMMITTEE T he Club Archives Committee has had a busy and productive year. The committee members are: Richard Hudson (Chair), Bruce Staples, David Kennedy, David West , Robert Cole, Peter Kennett, Bill Ebsray, John Lanser, Julia Hornsby, and Scott Dunstan. The Committee is very grateful for the support we have received from management and the Board. With our many projects we have had numerous requests for support all of which have been answered promptly and efficiently. The Club History Book is progressing well. After some delay with finding a committed author, Bruce Stannard was engaged to undertake the project. Bruce is a highly regarded and passionate author with a close and long-standing relationship with our Club. He commenced work last year and is making impressive progress with an expected publication date the middle of next year. A significant step forward for the preservation and storage of our Club’s archives has been the establishment of a dedicated Archive storage room. The room has been set up with appropriate shelving and workbenches to enable safe and proper storage of material and also the enable committee members to work efficiently. The relocation of the Club archives has been a major time consuming project, with every item evaluated and thoroughly documented prior to placing in the new storage. A by product of this project will be the establishment of a Club library which will be located adjacent YA C H T S M A N R PAY C  I again thank all members of the committee for their contribution and time volunteered during the year. The committee members are: Richard Hudson (Chair), Bruce Staples, David Kennedy, David West , Robert Cole, Peter Kennett, Bill Ebsray, John Lanser, Julia Hornsby, and Scott Dunstan. RICHARD HUDSON CHAIRMAN 50 YEAR MEMBERS 31 Aug 2017 – 1 Sep 2018 Kenneth Beashel William Ebsary Ian Fergusson Grahame Maclean 76 to the southern end of the Edinburgh Bar. The Library is expected to be completed in September this year. The evaluation of the Trophies during this process has provided the opportunity to establish a plan of refurbishment of our trophies. The Club has a valuable collection of trophies and the committee has identified a number that will require work. This work will be done over the next few years subject to budget constraints. The History walk was completed in July. The walk comprises 12 signboards at various locations describing items of interest. I encourage those who haven’t already done so to view these. It is our intention to add further locations as required. A map of the walk will be available at reception. September this year sees the completion of the History Wall. This will be located on the ground floor corridor and depicts the 150 year history of the Club. This has been a major project instigated by Rob Cole, supported by David Kennedy, David West, Julia Hornsby and Scott Dunstan. This group has contributed considerable time to the project and deserve our thanks. The committee has many other projects on our list which keep us busy for many years. I again thank all members of the committee for their contribution and time volunteered during the year. Marillyn Morris Bryan Neilson Roger Russell Roger Vincent R PAY C YA C H T S M A N 77