The Yachtsman 2017-2018 The Yachtsman 2017-2018 | Page 16

C L U B YA C H T I N G the race, and unlike last year where we blew up both kites, we had no breakages this year, so well-done crew - Frank, Bob, Beth, Bridget, Max and Woz, Michael.” The inaugural State of Origin Trophy, awarded based on the lowest aggregate score of the best three boats from NSW and the best three boats from Queensland in the IRC Overall results. NSW was victorious, fielding the majority of boats in the fleet, and took the trophy with pride, challenging more Queensland yachts to come onboard in 2019. Commodore of SYC, Kerry Noyes said the 2018 Club Marine Pittwater to Paradise Regatta was “a fantastic event with lots of positive feedback”. “Everybody had a great race up the Coast. Crews absolutely loved it. Feedback had been that they were glad to have sparring partners to race against. Like a race within a race. It made for interesting conversations in the bar afterwards! At the presentation, all competitors said they would come back next year. “Once they go back and start talking in their Clubs, they will encourage more yachts to join them in 2019, and the race will only grow and grow.” RPAYC Commodore, Michael Lockley agreed, saying “we had a quality fleet, small, but quality, which invokes the best racing possible”. “For example, Pretty Woman and Nine Dragons were never more than two miles apart and that made for tight and thrilling racing, which is what people go out to do – race boat on boat out on the ocean. “Full moon racing makes night time racing very scintillating – that’s very special,” Michael continued. “Arriving at the beautiful Southport Yacht Club was wonderful, and our hosts Kerry and Ray and the team at SYC made us feel welcome. It was sensational! “I invite all those Club racing boats, both cruiser racers and Grand Prix boats to enter next year’s Pittwater to Paradise. This is an event for you, especially boats from 35 to 55ft. There is great competition in this boat size bracket and rating certificates reflect this. “Our aim is to attract a quality fleet of skippers and continue to be a nurturing ground for up and coming sailors and those in our Youth Development program. “All in all, the Pittwater to Paradise ticks all the boxes and it will grow because people want to do that type of racing at that time of year. Pretty Woman will be back for sure!” C L U B YA C H T I N G OLD TIMER’S P ittwater welcomed the fleet of 21 boats for the 2018 Old Timers Race. The 1100hrs start didn’t faze any of the crew who were up and ready to hit the water and enjoy the stunning conditions on Pittwater. With a steady north westerly set in for the white sail race and possibly white knuckled boat owners crew docked off and headed to the start line. As the starters gun came closer the fleet bunched up along the extra-long start line, with 5.5m amongst 50 footers edging their way closer and closer to the line. For some they were a little to eager and those three letters where promptly announced over the radio “O.C.S” by the Race Committee. Whilst the big boats took a quick lead, it was the middle of the pack that thoroughly enjoyed the battle to the finish line, not giving an inch to each other till they crossed. A new course was added this year, course 4 to factor in the wind direction which saw every inch of Pittwater used, which was great for the competitors as they had he whole of Pittwater to themselves with not another user in sight! Pretty Woman with Bruce Kemp on the 26 YA C H T S M A N R PAY C RACE helm took Line Honours with Bonnie Lassie bringing up the rear of the fleet. Now for the real fun, the annual luncheon with over a 120 hungry sailors ready to sit down and enjoy the afternoon at the Club. Commodore Lockley welcomed all the Old Timers and crews and hit play on the newly published Sesquicentennial History video which ended in a room of applauds. The famous Tom Spithill Quiz was next, the Coach of the Year was clearly absent, now a team member on Wild Oats X and taking on the big boats in Port Stephens, neither-the- less the show went on with more phones seen on or under tables as ‘phone a friend called Google’ was used. The Old Timer’s race and luncheon though, is about the members and their stories, camaraderie and mateship. It sees members who may not be sailing anymore back on the water enjoying their life sport and their club always with a laugh and cheer. The Old Timer’s Race crowns a new winner Race Results 1. Nirvanas Kitchen II 2. Pegasus 3. Volante Race winner was Nirvana’s Kitchen, skippered by Jim Cormack. Quiz Winner was: Second Time Around on count back to Pretty Woman. R PAY C YA C H T S M A N 27