The Yachtsman 2017-2018 The Yachtsman 2017-2018 | Page 14

C L U B YA C H T I N G C L U B YA C H T I N G WOMEN’S TWILIGHTS 2017/2018 T he Women’s Twilights 2017/18 was again a very successful and enjoyable series. For the second year in a row, we were very proudly supported by Tina Ernfridsson, an independent Arbonne consultant, who so generously donated the weekly 1st prizes in each division. Tina is again supporting the series in 2018/19 – many thanks Tina, you are a star. Consistent with last season, we had 13 boats regularly competing every second Tuesday from October to March. We had some superb weather conditions throughout the season. It was great to see so many regular skippers and crews racing again, but even better that some new entrants participated in the series, being Penny McConaghy on Kerazy and Toni Fox on Under Pressure. Well done to all of our new entrants, it is so great to see more women taking to the helm in racing, and I hope we’ll see you on the water again this coming season. Similar to last year, we ran two pointscores. Congratulations on the following results: PHS Division 1 1. Pretty Woman, skippered by Elaine Fowler 2. Whisper 30, skippered by Nancy Ferguson 3. Kerazy, skippered by Penny McConaghy Division 2 1. Venue, skippered by Sarah Ellis 2. Pegasus, skippered by Mary Bickley 3. Kanaloa II, skippered by Tammy Lindsay ORCc_i Division 1 1. Inevitable, skippered by Annie Taylor 2. Pretty Woman, skippered by Elaine Fowler Division 2 1. Venue, skippered by Sarah Tallis and safe race. Many thanks to all of you – all of the women and token males have had such a wonderful time out on the water and we really appreciate your generous time and effort in making it all happen so smoothly. Many thanks to the Club, the Yacht Racing Committee and the Board for supporting the Women’s Twilight Series and for its support of women’s sailing initiatives, including the Women’s Helm Series in the Saturday Winter and Early Bird Series and the Women’s Winter Sunday Series on the first Sunday of the month from May to August. During the season, many members and participants donated lucky door prizes, which helped make the post-race dinners very popular. Many thanks to all of the donors. The series came to an end with “Orange is the New (Little) Black Dress night”, where skippers and crews donned an orange and black themed outfit. We were treated to a talk by RPAYC Club members, Clare Costanzo and Jess Angus. In February 2018, Clare and Jess were part of the all-women team that brilliantly captured the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron’s, long standing, Hardy Cup Sydney International Match Racing Regatta trophy following four days of intense competition on Sydney Harbour in the Elliott 7’s. Clare broke an 18 year run of gun male skippers taking out the grade three youth event. The girls entertained us with interesting snippets from their travels to sailing events around the world. Finally, thank you to all of my fellow sailors, the skippers and crew who have made the series such fun – it’s been great competitive racing in all sorts of conditions. Congratulations to the winners and I hope you will all be back for more next season. It is time for me to hand over the Fleet Representative baton which has enthusiastically been taken up by Elaine Fowler and Liz de Soyres. I have thoroughly enjoyed representing you for the past three years. I have been overwhelmed by the support from you and have learned a lot from the experience. Thank you all so much for participating in the Women’s Twilights this season, and I very much look forward to many more. Tammy Lindsay RPAYC Women’s Fleet Rep A special thanks to our team of volunteer race officials: David West, Ron Palmer, Trevor Hannah, Rob McClelland, Bobbie Simpson and Jim Gordon. At our presentation, there was an upstanding round of applause from the skippers for these great gentlemen who give their time every fortnight, rain or shine, wind or no wind, to ensure we have an enjoyable 22 YA C H T S M A N R PAY C R PAY C YA C H T S M A N 23