The Yachtsman 2016-2017 RPAYC Yachtsman 2016-2017 | Page 8

June, Tommy, alongside another well-known redhead (Prince Harry) launched the Invictus Games which will take place in Sydney in October 2018. It was great to see the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club volunteers and our fleet of Elliott 7s front and centre on the Harbour to support this exciting event. The 2016-2020 Strategic Plan has been firmly embraced by all Elected Officers and Club members alike. A primary element of the plan is to increase participation and fleet sizes. The Strategic Plan has inspired a task force to undertake an “Excellence in Sailing” review. Led by myself, I had the assistance of the then Rear Commodore Ron Palmer, past Commodore Richard Hudson and Director Rick Welch and we started with a blank sheet of paper. The Report has now been completed and submitted to the Board for consideration. While most of the traditional offerings will remain, the Task force’s focus was on responding to the trends and time constraints of the modern day family to ensure the Club provides opportunities to fit into these lifestyles so sailing can become a lifelong sport and one the entire family can participate in together. I’m excited to report that our global search for a Race Director has secured the services of Nick Elliott, who is presently the Racing Manager at the Royal Ocean Racing Club (RORC), UK. Nick is due to arrive in Australia after completing his commitments with RORC. Nick’s responsibilities will be 2IC to our General Manager as well as overseeing all aspects of the members’ racing in a very operational capacity off and on the water. This will be done by ensuring that race management teams are supported and that all the operation areas are coordinated to deliver a program that satisfies members, encourages new boats to join the fleets and increase the participation across all aspects o