The Yachtsman 2016-2017 RPAYC Yachtsman 2016-2017 | Page 27

• the photographers, Alex and Adrienne Vukovic, who took photos; • Tina Ernfridsson, independent Arbonne consultant, for her support of the series; • the RPAYC, the YRC and the Board for supporting the series; and • all of the very generous donors throughout the season for the many and varied lucky door prizes (special thanks to Lyndall Bacon, Team Windcraft and Sue Muller for the fabulous prizes at the LBD presentation night). The series came to an end with the reintroduction of the Little Black Dress night, this time with a Spanish Twist. We were treated to a talk by RPAYC member and Olympic Silver Medallist Nina Curtis who is currently training for the Tokyo Olympics. A great night of paella and dancing was enjoyed by crews from all yachts and the start boat. Thank you all for making it such a great night, and a fantastic season. I am looking forward to the new season (starting to get the boat ready now!) and hope that we can grow the level of participation with new skippers and members willing to loan their boat to this wonderful series. • the kitchen and function staff for the great meals after the races; TAMMY LINDSAY RPAYC WOMEN’S FLEET REP YAC H T SMA N 25