The Yachtsman 2016-2017 RPAYC Yachtsman 2016-2017 | Page 25

W E D N E S D AY / T H U R S D AY R A C I N G REPORT This season an additional method of handicapping was introduced which was ORC Club. ORC Club is a simple rating system that was integrated as an additional scoring category across Club racing. ORC Club is a fixed handicap and is based on self-measurements. The added bonus of good racing is the free sausage sandwich after the race, cooked by the rostered yacht crews throughout Winter and Summer. Always a good way to re-sail the race and spin yarns socially back in the bar. All members are invited to race on Wednesday. There are no excuses not to enjoy competitive and social racing almost all year round. (50 weeks of the year) THURSDAY TWILIGHT RACING REPORT Supported by Wild Oats and Lejen Marine the Thursday Twilight Series runs through Spring and Summer making use of the lasting daylight with fun Non-Spinnaker family friendly round the can courses. Great for newcomers and racers alike this series is one not to be missed with a reverse order start sequence in action. Division 3 and 4 start first, followed by Division 2 and Division 1. Not only racing for glory, competitors are racing for a bottle of Wild Oats Wine. Lejen Marine kindly donated a Stand Up Paddle (SUP) Board as a participation price with an entry going into the barrel for each time the boat raced. The more races attended meant more chances of winning the SUP. T he new sailing season saw more races added to the Wednesday programme, with multiple Series run throughout the year comprising of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Competition over the four divisions was, as always, very close and competitive with some courses adjusted following members feedback, including rounding mark directions. We had an average of 40 boats competing in this fun, Non-Spinnaker, around the cans racing. The added bonus of good racing is the free sausage sandwich after the race, cooked by the rostered yacht crews throughout Winter and Summer. Always a good way to re-sail the race and spin yarns socially back in the bar. The winner of the SUP this season was an ecstatic Paul Norrie from ‘Marola’. YAC H T SMA N 23