The Yachtsman 2015-2016 RPAYC Yachtsman 2015-2016 | Page 75



Jeff Thomas , the Boatyard Manager at the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club since the club ’ s $ 3M slipway redevelopment in 2007 , has finally decided it ’ s time to think about what his future holds and that is retirement ; spending time with his wife Pauline , their family and going on some lengthy road trips exploring Australia .

Jeff spent the first years of his working life as a real estate valuer . In his late twenties he decided upon a change and took a job at Sailors Bay Boatshed Northbridge working with Andrew Moncrieff which whet his appetite for all things boating . He met Pauline in his early thirties and soon realised he would have to earn some serious money . He bought a taxi cab and , while being successful financially , required dedication , working exceptionally long hours , seven days a week . The demands took their toll so he sold the taxi and started a custom made teak outdoor furniture business . This also gave him the time to take up a school run for disabled children , forming great attachments to the children and their families .
Come 1989 and Jeff was approached by Ian Smith of The Wooden Boat School to become yard manager of a new boatyard being built at Mortlake on the Parramatta River which became known as River Quays . The yard was more or less built by Ian and Jeff from the ground up designing and installing the travelift tracks and runway .
Jeff sailed many ocean miles doing several Sydney-Hobart races . He was also forced to abandon , with nothing but the clothes he was wearing , a Melbourne to Osaka twohanded race aboard Mad Max after hitting a reef .
RPAYC boat yard manager Jeff Thomas .
Over the years Jeff has built three yachts and also bought a Swanson hull and deck and fitted it out . His last two yachts , Saga a 28ft Beal and the aptly named Glory Days a 40ft John Sayer design , were built for two-handed racing with the Short Handed Sailing Association which both he and Pauline were heavy involved in . After River Quays , Jeff was offered a position in 2000 by Sean Langman at Noakes Boatyard in North Sydney which saw him move into the role of General Manager . Then in 2006 when Sean ventured into a new facility , Woolwich Dock , Jeff moved with him and set up what became a very successful boatyard .
In 2007 Jeff was free and as chance would have it , a position became available at the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club where he spent the last years of his working life . “ These years at the RPAYC have been some of the best times in my career ,” he said and while he will miss the staff , members and clients he ’ s very much looking forward to a new type of challenge … hitting the road with Pauline and his new Tvan Camper Trailer .