Spring had sprung for the 2015 / 16 Sailing Season Opening Day on Saturday 5th September at the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club . The sun and warm weather welcomed over 500 members and guests who celebrated the day at their beloved club .
Commodore Ian Audsley welcomed all and reminded everyone that they are “ truly blessed to be here , in the best country in the world .” Ian ’ s speech highlighted the achievements members have made throughout the year for the Club and the community and also mentioned the exciting events for the new Sailing Season .
Federal Member for Mackellar , the Honourable Bronwyn Bishop acknowledged the important place the Club has in the community , particularly with respect to the support and integration those with disabilities in regards to the Club ’ s award winning Integrated disAbled Sailing Program . These comments were complimented by the Deputy Major Kylie Ferguson who also acknowledged how the club plays a key role in promoting healthy lifestyles for the local residents and how the sailing community showcases our beautiful Pittwater .
After the Commodore declared the Sailing Season Open , the Hon . Bronwyn Bishop fired the cannon and over 30 boats participated in the Sail Past and Salute , many dressing up in an effort to win the best dressed crew and boat prizes . Then it was off and racing in the Pittwater Dash . All eight of the club ’ s new training fleet of Elliott 7s were out on the water racing and crewed by those in the club ’ s highly regarded Youth Development Program along with the Club ’ s junior centreboard sailors .
The great weather and atmosphere made for an excellent day at the Club and it was a great display of
how strong the local sailing community is on Pittwater . If you would like to get involved and get out sailing with the RPAYC , contact the Club ’ s Sailing Office on 02 9998 3700 or email sailing @ rpayc . com . au or visit www . rpayc . com . au