The Yachtsman 2015-2016 RPAYC Yachtsman 2015-2016 | Page 68




The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club members and supporters invaded the SeaLink Magnetic Island Race Week at the end of August , enjoying the sixday regatta with its great competition and parties .

RPAYC was the largest club contingent outside of the host club , Townsville Yacht Club . Seven yachts and their crews were in the thick of 58-boat national fleet contesting the ninth annual regatta . Also on the water was the race management team of Stephen and Rosemary Merrington .
In the IRC fleet Bob Steel ’ s new Quest finished on the podium in third place . Jason Antill ’ s skippered Farr 40 Komodo finished in fifth and Rob Curtis and Glen Tailby ’ s Kerazy finished in sixth . Even with this result Tailby was happy with their regatta . “ Our biggest goal was to stay in contact with the Farr 40s .” They did a very good of that .
The division was won resoundingly by Peter Sorensen ’ s The Philosopher ’ s Club . The next three places came down to a count-back between David Currie ’ s Farr 40 Ponyo , Quest and Leon Thomas ’ Farr 40 Guilty Pleasures VI . They all finished on 18 points . Ponyo found their form in the last two races , Quest missed the start of Race 6 when their mainsheet got caught and then they hit the mark , and Guilty Pleasures found themselves caught up in racing the other two 40s rather focusing on their own game .
On PHS The Philosopher ’ s Club was the winner again with Komodo finishing fourth , Kerazy in fifth and Quest in eighth .
Geoff and Jen Fogar ’ s Ruby finished on the podium in third place in large the Cruising Spinnaker Division 1 . Peter Byford ’ s L ’ Esprit wasn ’ t so lucky . He finished in 15th .
In Cruising Spinnaker Division 2 , Mike Selbie ’ s D ’ Euphoria finished in 17th in his second time at the regatta . “ We enjoyed ourselves . The wind was really quite good all days .
“ It was good to see so many Alfred ’ s people and Ruby do so well . Yes , I think we will be going back again ,” Selbie said .
Rob Yeates ’ skippered a Townsville yacht Jabiru to finish seventh in Cruising Non Spinnaker .
Komodo was the winner of the Antill Marine prize of $ 1000 . Antill , who is the Antill is the One Design representative on the sailing committee , kindly donated the prize money back to TYC so that the club could start to raise funds to support a Townsville team competing in the RPAYC ’ s One Design Regatta program .
“ The program at the RPAYC is going from strength to strength . I wanted to take advantage of and further the links between Antill Marine and TYC to the benefit of both clubs ,” Antill said .
The tenth anniversary of the SeaLink Magnetic Island Race Week will be held from September 1 to 6 , 2016 . Chair of the event organising committee , Paul Victory , has committed to making the event even bigger than this year with entertainment options , a marine trade exhibition and more great competition . “ We are also hoping that we will be welcoming an even bigger team of Alfred ’ s sailors and supporter in 2016 .”