to the exquisite murals (250 BC to
650 AD) of Ajanta and the soaring
magnificence of the Kailasnatha
temple at Ellora.
The Taj Mahal represents the zenith
of Mughal architecture in India,
whilst in Southern India; Hindu
architecture reached its peak in the
17th century at Hampi, around
the same time as the Taj Mahal was
The superb rock cut sculptures
of Tamil Nadu, the exquisitely
decorated forts and palaces of
Rajasthan and the richly carved step
wells of Gujarat- each has a tale to
tell and each introduces you to India’s
rich past. These are but a few of the
architectural treasures of the country.
As you travel through India you will realize that religion
and religious sentiment runs high throughout Indian
society. From road side shrines to towering works of art,
temples are an intrinsic part of our country a visit to
India. Each temple has a story of myths and legends and
is a wonderful insight to the Indian people and the many
rituals that guide us through each day.
continued next page.