the world that is hard to live-dönüştürüldü | Page 46

Coronavirus is having a positive effect on the environment because we have not left home and the activity has stopped. This has caused that gases like CO2 decrease a lot. Animals also return to their natural habitats, as there are no people who can disturb them, and the air conditions are better to live in. An example of the decrease in pollution is China, which for three weeks emitted 150 million tonnes of CO2 less than last year during the same period. SpPDS SiraGL As economic activity has slowed down because of the Coronavirus pandemic, air quality over Europe and China has temporarily improved. For climate scientists, the way millions of people around the world have changed their behaviour shows it is possible to do the same for the climate crisis. Gi Ibra I think this pandemic is really good for the environment, not many greenhouse gases are produced because people are at their homes and they don’t use the car. Also a while ago I read a post about how the pandemic was helping the ozone layer, I don’t really know if it is true but maybe it's helping. In conclusion, I think that with this pandemic we can start to realise that we are really doing harm to the environment. and try to raise awareness even more. SpPDS InésCG