the world that is hard to live-dönüştürüldü | Page 43

I think that now the atmosphere is cleaner because there aren't so many cars, trucks, motorbikes or planes going around. But if you think from a different point of view, we are also polluting the same or more, because we are using electronic things that we charge with energy produced by burning coal and we use gloves made out of plastic when we go out. SpPDS PabloSP I think that the coronavirus pandemic affects in a positive way to the environment because people is starting to recycle more and use less the car so now the atmosphere is cleaner (specially in big cities). On the 10th April the National Geographic published this advert: “In Madrid and Barcelona: purer air. In Northern Italy: unusual levels of nitrogen dioxide. In China: drastic improvement in air quality. In Venice: crystal clear waters. Wild fauna reconquer cities”. SPZ HELENA How did Covid-19 Pandemic effect our environment ? Badly because pollution helps the COVID-19 to spread more quickly. Is it cleaner or dirtier? Now it is cleaner because all the factories have stopped, the planes, the cruises, the cars, the buses ... Is there air pollution ? There is still contamination but much less. SPZ LARA