The world on your hands The world on your hands | Page 23

The world on your hands

The world on your hands


The ancient culture of China is one of its biggest tourist virtues. It is therefore difficult to cover everything in one trip as virtually everything you see in China is interesting. For example, Chinese cuisine is known around the world and many of us are accustomed to go to restaurants that prepare this food. China is intense, the visitor is immersed in a quasi-fantasy world, their five senses become saturated and their vacations become dense experience of pleasure. The peculiar features of Chinese architecture are part of amazing culture of the country. It changed through the years and in according to regions, but the features of the ancient Chinese architecture have survived through ages.

The mysterious Chinese culture reflects in its ancient architecture the value esthetic and the respect for nature because their structures are mainly wood, also it is based on deep cultural traditions that characterized by ideology of higher power and the compact class system. Planning for the palaces and capitals achieved great success and in these are distinguishes perfectly the attention they give to of the architectural systems. Along with the Western and Islamic, these are the three architectural systems of the world.

The best architectural designs you find in the Chinese architecture. If you want to know ancient architecture you can go to The Forbidden City. It's located in Beijing and it was built under the command of the dynasty Ming and Qing in 1.406. Its design is with buildings, grounds and playgrounds bigger of country, people should go because there are valuable cultural and artistic objects, also you can go to The Great Wall, It's located from Shanhaiguan to Jiayuguanand it was built under the command of the Emperor Qin and it has a size of 8.851,8 Km, during its construction ten millions of Chinese people died.