The World of Hospitality Issue 47 2022 | Page 10

we treat animals but also that it ’ s important to donate blood to save people . It is very common for guests to come to me afterward and tell me that they will never forget the experience they had at Alchemist and then we have succeeded , says Rasmus Munk .
He also says that they dared to touch the hottest potato you can in Denmark - the pig .
Denmark has a large production of pigs that are sold all over the world . But they have also received a lot of criticism for their handling of the pig .
We served a dish where we took the part of the pig that is removed and is at the neck of the pig . Some are removed because this is where antibiotics are injected . We served it with a small dish of liquid that we said was an antibiotic . Some guests were very upset , it was like touching the soul of the Danish people , he says .
Again , he emphasizes that it is what the total experience Alchemist is about , the provocation is only a part .
For me , it is an interesting balance to work with fine dining and still tell the guests something . And that ’ s where the whole concept of having culture and strong visual experiences at the restaurant comes in .
And he has plans to be outside the fine dining restaurant and cook where it makes a difference . He has worked with something called Wish Christmas ( Önske Jul ) where he serves food to children and young people who are having a hard time .
Of course , it is “ ordinary ” food I make then , but seeing the children ’ s faces means a lot to me . And I intend to continue with that in new forms , he says .
Alchemist already has two Michelin stars , and many reviewers believe he should have three .
It is of course nice to get grades for what I do and that so many want to visit us . But the most fun is that we have succeeded with the ambition to use food to discuss the important things in life , says Rasmus Munk .
The menu and everything that happens visually must also be constantly changed when new issues arise that require attention . At the time of writing , the war in Ukraine has been commented on .
Munk is also building an open library with educational material on gastronomy , sustainability , and science , which he calls Tastelab .
And the waiting list to visit Alchemist is only growing and growing . 50,000 guests are waiting to get one of the 48 seats at what is today Denmark ’ s most expensive restaurant .
Three of his favorite dishes
1 . The perfect omelet
A distant cousin to Albert Adria ’ s legendary olive liquid . Munk ’ s exploding omelet is a shiny , fluttering little creature no bigger than a strawberry . The omelet is held together by a thin membrane that opens and gives a heavenly taste when it reaches the mouth .
2 . 1984
A wink to George Orwell ’ s 1984 as a commentary on our new digital surveillance society is served in the form of an eye with a pupil filled with asparagus cream , pistachio , and raw Japanese fish . The pupil has a coating of caviar and fisheye jelly
3 . Double trouble
Jellyfish are considered an invasive species in Nordic waters but are often on the menu in Chinese kitchens . At Alchemist , this science-fiction-like creation is served raw along with green cream and other accessories .
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