Maritim redevelops historic
Mauritius venue
An 18th century flour mill and event venue in the northwest coast of Mauritius. Within and now perfect for tastings with 191 types
Mauritius has been redeveloped by Maritim the historical architecture is named after of rums including local tipples distilled in
Hotels with the addition of a new restaurant the year it was built by the French. The Mauritius - the largest collection of rum on
and bar housing the largest collection of rum restaurant, named after the year it was built, the island. The Distillery can accommodate
on the island. accommodates 1,200 people standing and 20 seated and 50 standing. Guests can also
750 people seated. enjoy breath-taking views of the island from
Anno 1743 is a new 188 cover brasserie
the Nest, a lounge-style rooftop bar offering a
style restaurant located within the historical Alongside the restaurant is the Distillery bar,
‘Ruins of Balaclava’ on Turtle Bay along the site of a former 19th century distillery
selection of whiskies, cocktails and snacks.