Hirsch Bedner Associates (hba) announces the formation of
HBA EMEA with the launch of Great Scotland Yard
World leading hospitality design firm HBA Tradition and history meet present-day
has announced the formation of HBA EMEA. luxury in the design of Great Scotland Yard.
The announcement sees the joining of the Transforming this historical space into a
firm’s London and Dubai studios under the welcoming place for discerning travellers,
direction of Partner David T’Kint. With HBA EMEA’s designers have expressed the
specialist divisions including lighting, graphics individuality of Great Scotland Yard through
and art curation, HBA EMEA’s end-to-end an unexpected play of Edwardian-inspired
offering will produce inspired, brand- hues and patterns, conventional Whitehall,
strengthening design experiences that reflect and colours that relive the timeless elegance
a true sense of place. and sophistication of the era with a flair of
contemporary details.
The announcement coincides with the
delivery of HBA EMEA’s first project, the HBA Partner David T’Kint said, “As interior
newly opened Great Scotland Yard. A architects we don’t just create spaces, but
landmark development in London’s City experiences that are inspired by the history,
of Westminster, it is the first Unbound culture and locale of a destination.
Collection by Hyatt hotel in the UK. Once the
London’s Metropolitan Police headquarters, “Driven by creativity and in response to the
the listed building’s latest chapter is a 152- evolution of luxury design, HBA EMEA brings
room luxury boutique hotel, in which the together the talents and specialities of our
stories of the building’s past unfold through global team to enhance our 360-degree
exquisitely sculpted interiors and eclectic service, creating a one-stop-shop for inspired
decorative elements. hospitality design.”