Hart Miller Design completes
new landmark Cornwall spa
The award-winning Mullion Cove Hotel on At the heart of the project is a contrast of scale building and the sea views beyond, offering an
Cornwall’s Lizard peninsula has opened a - placing intimate human sensory experiences immersive experience from start to finish.
landmark new spa, designed by Hart Miller within a jaw-dropping natural location of rock, Design. The clifftop retreat, with its infinity pool sea and elemental power. Japanese mountain Floor to ceiling windows contrast the
and stunning sea views enhances the hotel’s retreats were taken as a key inspiration, enveloping private treatment rooms and
existing offering and marks a new chapter in its grounded in ritual and symbolism. The spa takes provide a perfect setting to unwind whether a
history. its users on a personal journey of relaxation: a dark, stormy day or beautiful summer evening.
carefully chosen palette of timbers and natural The lighting design is also a key feature of the
Having worked with the hotel since 2012 on a tones complement the hues and contours project. Working with Amos Lighting, a series
rolling expansion project, Hart Miller Design of the Cornish landscape and help to create of subtleties and contrasting ambiences has
were selected to create a distinctive spa spaces and textures that welcome and embrace. been added in the form of dimming, treatment-
experience, unique to the South West. Visitors are wrapped up in the materiality of the specific lighting.