UKs first purpose-built detox and wellness
retreat launches this autumn
Glass House Retreat is the UK’s first purpose- into culinary creations that ensure guests enjoy
built spa, detox and weight loss retreat set in every element of their experience. A cookery
the heart of the Essex countryside, less than an school led by head chef Miguel Gouveia is also
hour from Central London. Offering a unique available to enable guests to learn the art of
programme of wellness, fitness and nutrition led nutrition and make delicious meals to ensure
that their wellness journey can continue back
by their team of expert therapists, instructors
at home.
and coaches, Glass House Retreat will be the
go-to destination for those seeking the ultimate
Glass House Retreat features the latest
wellness experience.
technology to aid weight loss and recovery
including a cryotherapy chamber; offered to
A visionary project created by the Jarvis
every guest, cryotherapy is designed to aid
Development Group, Glass House Retreat
weight loss, combat the signs of ageing and
offers the latest treatments designed to
improve overall wellness. Following the Arctic
champion wellness, detox and weight loss.
temperatures of the cryotherapy chamber, the
Offering twenty-one rooms, the interiors of
Glass House Retreat were designed by owner
retreat’s Himalayan Salt Block Sauna awaits
For those wanting to rejuvenate and lose guests before they step into one of the eleven
weight, the retreat’s state-of-the-art panoramic treatment rooms for an Elemis pamper. Glass
gym featuring world-class equipment by House Retreat champions detox, therefore,
Matrix is available to guests to work out the menu does not offer caffeine or alcohol.
independently, in groups or with one of the In addition, for those wanting some time away
retreat’s personal trainers. Nutrition is at the from the noise of the world, each room has a
sauna, twelve-metre indoor heated swimming heart of the retreat and bucking the norm of digital detox safe encouraging guests to put
pool and enjoy treatments from expert flavourless retreat cuisine, Glass House Retreat digital devices away and fully immerse in their
therapists using Elemis products. champions raw plant-based cuisine crafted wellness experience.
Joy Jarvis to create a calming aesthetic using
a soft grey pallet combined with splashes of
colour to establish a relaxing ambience for
guests. For those wanting a truly tranquil
experience, guests can relax and unwind in the