RPW Design’
s Latest Project For 2019:
The Luxury Rooftop Mezemiso Restaurant,
London’s Crowne Plaza Hotel
RPW Design is delighted to announce the creating a stunning mirroring effect of the
opening of their most recent project, the Thames at night, as viewed directly from the
Mezemiso Restaurant at the Crowne Plaza Terrace.
Hotel of the Albert Embankment. Located
on the 15th floor of the panoramic hotel, Mezemiso is the perfect fusion of culture,
Mezemiso’s unique amalgamation of Japanese from food to views, incorporating an elegant
and Lebanese cuisine is incorporated into palette of blues and brass, echoing London as
RPW Design’s striking design. The restaurant’s twilight transitions into the night. Due to the
spectacular view of the river Thames and the restaurant’s panoramic location, RPW Design
night sky inspired the interiors, providing the was presented with a small space to transform
space with a sense of place and weaving this into a stylish cigar and shisha terrace where
into the design details. Even the floor has been guests could enjoy the spectacular views with
created using mosaics and fibre optic lights, exclusive cocktails and transformative cuisine.