Does Your Brand Dress Well?
Uniform is no longer purely about function. conducted by an immaculate chef with a co-
Today many hospitality properties look to ordinated front of house team, choreographed
complement their brand credentials through effortlessly by a sharp, possibly suited, Maître
their choice of staff outfit. De. It’s culinary theatre where the uniform
illustrates the mood of the food.
In days gone by, one rarely noticed a crew
working in the kitchen, except for the Exec Privileged to dress leading hotels, restaurants,
Chef’s brief parade ‘out front’ in a classic double- bars and chefs, Chef Works is no ordinary
breasted crisp white coat, a long white apron uniform company. They have proudly developed
and tall pleated hat. This is the first image that into the industry’s global brand leader for the
tends to come to mind when describing how innovative design, development and management
a chef dresses. Today, however, uniform has of culinary uniform. Specialising in both Front
evolved to meet the visual hunger of the Insta and Back-of-House options for the entire kitchen
generation. It not only needs to fit the wearer, crew, as well as the full serving team, Chef Works
but the full story of the individual location too.
Kitchens are way more visible than ever before,
has an extensive collection of coats, trousers,
shirts, aprons, suiting and accessories, which
offer the wearer quality, comfort, longevity and
style. Their established design team take great
inspiration from both architectural and interior
design as well as fashion and the food operation
itself which all lead to the perfect combination of
form and function.
Understanding the life of a uniform and taking
learnings from their wearers assists the talented
design team greatly in creating award-winning
pieces with enviable details that set the Chef
Works collection apart from others, leaving the
wearer comfortable and confident to get on with
the task at hand.
WEBSITE: www.chefworks.co.uk