Contract trail for January Furniture Show
Along with requests for more beds, more Many of the main contract suppliers are also
accessories and more lighting at the January leading names in the UK furniture industry
Furniture Show (JFS), the organisers also including Duresta, Kingstown, Whitemeadow,
received many requests for companies who Ashley Manor, Firstlight Products, The
supply contract furniture and furnishings to Libra Company and Silentnight. Leading
be identified. international companies including Weimann,
ALF UNO S.p.a. and Hartman are also on the
The organisers listened and acted. JFS
Contract Trail list.
in 2019, which takes place at the NEC in
Birmingham from 20th-23rd January 2019, Other new initiatives introduced at JFS in
will introduce its new Contract Trail. It is the response to visitor requests include the new
last piece of the jigsaw puzzle to fulfil all of lighting sector β LIGHT, which features both
the major requests received from visitors UK and international companies showing
and it will identify all of the 150+ exhibitors everything from garden lanterns and bedside
who either regularly, or occasionally supply lamps to futuristic LED lights and statement
contract orders. chandeliers. BEDS at JFS brings together the
largest number of bed companies ever seen
On arrival at the show visitors will be able to visiting time at JFS as productive as possible. collect a handy fold out map which identifies at the show and will contain every kind of bed
Adding the Contract Trail was an easy the contract supplying companies in each hall. and mattress type available in the UK, with
decision given the number of requests we The Contract Trail will also available on the options for every budget level.
received for the information - and given the JFS website in advance of the show, making large number of contract suppliers that we Finally the space for accessories has
it easy for buyers to plan their stand visits in have among our exhibitors.β increased by 20% with new exhibitors and
Across the board in upholstery, cabinet, beds,
some regular exhibitors taking extra space to
show their abundant collections.
Show Director Cleere Scammell said of lighting and accessories there are both UK the Contract Trail, βIt is important that we and International suppliers who are fully To register to attend JFS and so see the full
give our buying visitors as much useful apprised of the particular requirements of list of companies on the Contract Trail please
information as is feasible, to make their supplying contract and interior design orders. go to: www.januaryfurnitureshow.com
WEBSITE: www.januaryfurnitureshow.com