New-look Hilton Imperial Dubrovnik
Goddard Littlefair revamps jewel of the Riviera
Goddard Littlefair has completed the priority at that time and were primed therefore
restoration of Hilton Imperial Dubrovnik, for a completely new treatment.’
re-injecting golden age glamour into one of
The Grand Hotel Imperial was Dubrovnik’s
Europe’s most beautiful hotels to appeal to Goddard Littlefair was initially commissioned first modern hotel, signifying a historic
today’s cosmopolitan, sophisticated traveller. towards the end of 2016 for a phased set transformation of the tourist status of this
Hilton Imperial Dubrovnik, situated just above of redesign works, with the first two now beautiful city. Built by Barn Viktor Kachberg,
Dubrovnik old town, was originally built in completed and including the reception and President of a Trieste steamship company, the
the 1890s and went on to serve the great lobby, The Lobby Lounge, The Imperial Bar, ambition was to create a hotel where ‘foreign
Mediterranean cruise liners docking in the The Executive Lounge, all connecting and visitors might visit Dubrovnik more often and
city in the early 20th century. Then called ‘The guest-room corridors and all of the hotel’s 149 stay in this gentle ambience in order to improve
Grand Hotel Imperial’, with a French Riviera feel standard and executive rooms and 9 suites. A their health.’ When it opened, initially aimed
and the glamorous cachet of an international refurbishment of the hotel’s existing restaurant, at the winter season tourist market, it was the
clientele, the hotel was a roaring success for Porat, on the lower-ground floor, will follow in first hotel in Dubrovnik to feature modern
many decades, but, during the Yugoslav war, it late 2019. equipment, including electric lighting, steam
was shelled and then used to house refugees.
central heating, hot and cold running water, an
The brief to the design team was to unlock electric lift, room bells, reading salons and card
the true potential of the four-storey hotel’s rooms, a restaurant, a belvedere on the main
spectacular location, architecture, reputation roof and an attractive garden. The hotel was an
‘When we were first commissioned’, commented and history. ‘Our inspiration’ Martin Goddard immediate hit, with guests benefitting from the
Martin Goddard, Director and Co-founder of commented, ‘lay in bringing back the romance hotel’s own boat and fleet of Mercedes cars. A
Goddard Littlefair, ‘the hotel was already very of the hotel’s former glories and layering third floor was added in 1905 and, in 1935, King
well established and incredibly popular, with a glamour into each individual space by means Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson danced in its
wonderful location overlooking the old fort and of a Riviera palette, soft detailing, a 1920s gardens. During the early 1990s, the Yugoslav
the Adriatic, right on the edges of Dubrovnik’s yachting influence and a subtle evocation of the wars saw the hotel suffer fires on all three
historic old centre. Whilst it had been majorly hotel’s original elegance, whilst at the same time floors from direct hits and mortar explosions.
refurbished in 2005, costly building works balancing that with clean and contemporary When state property became privatised, Hilton
meant that the interiors weren’t the main lines.’ became the hotel’s new operator.
The hotel was subsequently brought back to
active life in 2005.