Fine Bedding Solutions Exceeding Hotelier’s Needs
The Fine Bedding Company Hospitality exclusive 20 per cent online discount to use on
Division will be showcasing its biggest finebedding.co.uk, courtesy of the hotel. 10
collection of duvets, pillows and toppers yet at per cent of the amount guests spend using the
this year’s I.H.S – as well as providing visitors to hotel’s unique code (less VAT) is then credited
its stand the chance to sign up to its new Boost to the hotel against future sales – meaning
Your Budget scheme. that hotels can easily boost their housekeeping
The Fine Bedding Company’s Smartfil™
products have all been specifically developed Jeanette Sadler, The Fine Bedding Company
in its own ECO factory to meet the demands Hospitality Division’s business manager,
of busy commercial environments; products explains: “We listened to our hospitality
that are easy use but offer exceptional quality, customers, many of who fed back to us
as well as effortlessly washable in-house and just how popular our products were with
extremely long lasting (maintaining loft and customers who were repeatedly asking
structure). whether they could buy them. Frequent
positive guest reviews commenting on how
NEW this year is also a product that is an much they loved our bedding was further
environmentally, vegan and anti-allergy encouragement. The idea is that as guests buy
friendly alternative to the finest goose down.
The new SMARTDOWN® range is made
from silky soft fibres made from recycled PET,
on the beds the same day. Offering a practical
solution to turning around rooms quickly.
The Fine Bedding Company products online,
the hotel’s duvet and pillow ongoing purchases
become self-funding.
blown into cassettes for loft and structure, and Also on show will be their ethically sourced exquisitely hand finished. naturals ranges with all of the quality “We’ve made the initiative as easy as possible
associations essential to today’s hospitality for hotels to join, and we provide all of the
sector. promotional materials needed to communicate
Another innovation is the two in one Zip and
the discount to guests. As we have a consumer
Link Dual Layer Topper. This product has
been created specifically to address issues After a successful trial, The Fine Bedding website it was a great opportunity for
associated with Zip and Link beds. Company Hospitality Division is rolling out everyone to benefit.”
its Boost Your Budget Scheme to all new
And for busy on-site laundries, Smartfil® customers. Through the scheme, consumers For more advice on hotel bedding or to
filled Spundown and Boutique Silk duvets and are encouraged to recreate their Fine Bedding discuss bespoke bedding requirements visit
pillows dry in a matter of hours so can be back Company bedding hotel experience with an finebeddinghotels.co.uk
WEBSITE: www.finebeddinghotels.co.uk