42 the World Of Hospitality
uhs group
Being Agile and
Courageous will
keep you alive in
today’s market
When the headlines are so negative it breeds
despair, despondency and doubt! The market
trends on the high street from retail and casual
dining are being targeted but now is the time to be
agile, courageous and think outside the box. One
quote from Austin Cook, Retail Director of a multi-
million pound establishment was ‘Boring retail isn’t
dead’ this would go for restaurants too… ‘Boring
restaurants are not dead.’
What we are seeing at the moment is a flurry
of emerging brands from Coffee shops, healthy
food offerings to Asian and Indian cuisine. Where
some brands are dying it is making space for
new innovation and culture shifts for the new
generational requirements. The only dying brands
are ones that are not keeping up!
Restructure is another buzz word that is being
used, this is where forward thinking brands are
looking at their portfolio, acting with courage
and re-aligning the investments to strengthen
the profitable sites with re-branding and
transformations. The transformation part is key to
bringing in the footfall.
Working lately with ‘All Star Lanes’ has shown the
importance of creating an experience. Consumers
are looking for fun, interest and a bit more…
Innovation here is key and we see the revival of the
darts club, the pool tables, indoor crazy golf with a
twist and ping pong!
To recap on this there is room for new, boring is out
and brands need to keep the energy up because the
market is alive!
Dan Gillmore, Global Marketing Director says,
“At UHS we are working with a number of brands
restructuring, transforming and re-branding
successfully. We have a fantastic team that can
come on that journey with you so if you have a
project that you feel the need to discuss and see
how we can support please get in touch.”
[email protected]
Call: 0330 1222 400
Website: www.uhs-group.com