22 the World Of Hospitality
Advancements in Hospitality EPOS
By BIXOLON Europe GmbH Hospitality Specialist
From travel & tourism to bars and hotels, the
hospitality industry is continually evolving.
This multi-billion dollar global industry relies
heavily on documenting its direct operations
whether it’s a bar or restaurant linking its
front of house and back-end operations,
takeaways taking online orders or a tour
operator issuing tickets. Hospitality EPOS
has always been an essential factor in the
industry’s success.
However, as the consumer becomes more
central in all operation through centralising
the customer experience or the use of
consumer technology. Companies are
quickly moving away from traditional forms
of receipting and ticketing by investing in
sophisticated hardware solutions particularly
around the areas of mPOS Hospitality.
Popularity of Mobile Point-of-Sale
Hospitality technology has visibly changed
from the early days of handwritten paper
billing and cash registers printing to slips.
Moving to more sophisticated EPROM
registers with limited back office capability.
Eclipsed by linked EPOS solutions,
connecting via software where information
could be collated and stored on computer.
To finally, Touch Terminals offering greater
durability and connectivity through LAN These machines can also provide a range of
with instant links to Head Office Servers. functions including native, web and cloud
based printing linking consumer ordering
However, recently there has been the
directly to the business.
emergence of new intelligent mobile POS
solutions. Connecting tablet devices or As the role of printing continues to
hand-held terminals to a network is quickly revolutionise within the industry, mPOS
becoming the norm in many traditional and receipt and ticket printing will provide a cost
contemporary Hospitality set-ups. With Wi- effective way for companies to customise
Fi and Bluetooth connectivity innovation at
its core, handheld devices can easily be linked
directly to a network either by wire or through
the cloud.
Mobile Printing innovation is now providing
greater flexibility and opened up new avenues
of interest. These ergonomic, compact, hand
held printing solutions produce high quality
receipts, tickets and labels directly from a
handheld smart device or PDA.
Alongside mobile printing there has been
the emergence of mPOS hub printing
solutions linking peripherals such as tablets
or smart devices to wired POS peripherals.
Providing a simple, compact, cost-effective
solution to update existing POS hardware.
Website: www.BixolonEU.com.
and adapt their customer experience as their
individual requirements transform without
the hefty hardware price tag.
BIXOLON is a leading global manufacturer of
advance printing technologies including POS
receipt, label, Auto-ID and mobile printers
for a wide range of environments including
Hospitality, Retail and Logistics.