the World Of Hospitality
The Arch London
The luxurious amenities in all the guestrooms are The hotel’s eleven stunning suites offer the ultimate The digital ‘Maid Service’ and ‘Do Not Disturb’ signs
personally designed to anticipate guests every need contemporary boutique experience. Special features perfectly showcase the hotel’s blend of eco-friendly
and comfort. A handpicked selection of classic novels include private outdoor terraces, four poster beds, awareness and love of the latest mod cons.
can be found in the suites, while all rooms have a full or stylish kitchenettes to accommodate longer stays. Sky HD TV package, DVD Player and internet radio Large artworks have been thoughtfully handpicked There are a number of guest areas within The Arch
with over 19,000 channels for international guests. The to complement each space, providing dramatic focal London, each with something unique to offer.
bathrooms feature modern flourishes such as heated points throughout. anti-steam mirrors and flat screen TVs built into the Hunter 486 restaurant is named after the 1950s dialing
wall above baths. code for Marylebone and offers a ‘Best of British’