The World of Golfing Issue 08 2019 | Page 27

Raptile, from Bond It, is so much more than just insulation tape. Wet or dry, outside or in, Raptile gets the job done quickly: from plumbing emergencies where you need a really tight seal in seconds to quick-fix engine repairs which must withstand high pressures and temperatures, it saves the day. But don’t stop there: Raptile is a self-fusing silicone tape and when wrapped will make a comfortable, non-slip handle grip. It could just be the edge your game needs. Keep a roll handy in the golf cart! SUPERHEROES EMERGE NCY REPAIR TAPE Just stretch RAPTILE tape and wrap it around almost any object to create a permanent, air-tight, water-tight and flexible seal in seconds. tape Just stretch SU RAPTILE PERHEROES and wrap it around almost any object to create a permanent, air-tight, water-tight and flexible seal in seconds. REPA IR TAPE EME RGE NCY tape Just stretch RAPTILE t any and wrap it around almos , anent object to create a perm and air-tight, water-tight ds. flexible seal in secon of Self-fusing and made e, highest quality silicon hed once RAPTILE is stretc it itself onto back ed and wrapp a python. really does grip like Self-fusing and made of highest quality silicone, once RAPTILE is stretched it IR TA PE itself PA back Y onto RE wrapped GE NC ER EM and really does grip like a python. REPA Y made of IR TAPE GENC and EMER Self-fusing highest quality silicone, EME RGE NCY SUPE REPA IR TAPE Just stretch RAPTILE tape and wrap it around almos t any object to create a perm anent, air-tig water-tight Y and REPA EMER ht, GENC IR flexible seal in secon ds. Self-fusing and made of highest quality silicon e, once RAPTILE is stretc hed and wrapped back onto itself it really does grip like a python. When you need a really tight seal - release the RAPT ILE. See inside for full detail s. RHEROES TAPE once RAPTILE is stretched ON! PYTH A itself S LIKE and wrapped GRIP GRIPS LIKE A PYTHON! EMER back onto it GE NC Y RE PA 0 really does grip like a python. IR TA PE -50 TO +260 C RESISTS -50 TO +260 0 C STS RESI When you need a really tight GR ON! WATE IPS TH IGHT PY LIKE A PYTHON! tight AIRT A & really a E OF need seal you - release When RPRO LIK the WATE RAPTILE. RPRO GR seal IPS OF & AIRT IGHT 0 RAPTILE. the - release See inside for full details. v & 950psi TAKES 8000v & 950p RESISTS -50 TO +260 0 C S 8000 TS -50 TO +260 C TAKE SIS RE See si inside for full details. WATERPROOF & AIRTIGHT AIRTIGHT 3M WATERPROOF & si 0p 3M TAKES 8000v & 95 95 0psi TAKES 8000v & tight When you need a really ILE. seal - release the RAPT s. detail full for See inside 3M 5 060021 5 060021 372598 3M 372598 Code: BDRAPRD Size: 3M Colour: Red Code: BDRAPRD Size: 3M Colour: Red 5 060021 SUPERH OES ER EMERGE NCY REPAIR TAPE 5 060021 372598 Code: BDRAPRD Size: 3M Colour: Red 372598 Size: 3M Code: BDRAPRD Colour: Red Park, Elland HX5 9DN. G16 River Bank Way, Lowfields Business 01422 315300 Park, Elland Lowfields Business G16 River Bank Way, 01422 315300 www.b HX5 9DN. G16 River Bank Way, Lowfields Business Park, Elland HX5 9DN. 01422 315300 G16 River Bank IN USA Way, MADE COMPLIANT Lowfields Business Park, Elland HX5 9DN. 01422 315300 www.b COMPLIANT MADE IN USA MADE IN USA COMPLIANT COMPLIANT MADE IN USA + 44 (0)1422 315 300 |