The world Magazine articles | Page 4

- - - respiratory therapists. Many people with CF use an inflatable vest that vibrates the chest at a high frequency to help loosen and thin mucus. Inhaled medicinesto open the airways or thin the mucus. These are liquid medicines that are made into a mist or aerosol and then inhaled through a nebulizer. These medicines include antibiotics to fight lung infections and therapies to help keep the airways clear. Pancreatic enzyme supplement capsules to improve the absorption of vital nutrients. These supplements are taken with every meal and most snacks. People with CF also usually take multivitamins. The CF Foundation supports research to discover and develop new CF treatments and maintains apipeline of potential therapies that target the disease from every angle. In 2015, the United States Food and Drug Administration approved the second drug to treat the root cause of cystic fibrosis, a defective protein known as CFTR. The first drug targeting the basic genetic defect in CF was approved in 2012. The arrival of this group of drugs, called CFTR modulators, signals a historic breakthrough in how CF is treated. It's expected that CFTR modulators could add decades of life for some people with CF. Today, the Foundation is focused on developing life saving new therapies for larger numbers of people with CF and pursuing daring, new opportunities to one day develop a lifelong cure. 5. How is cyst ic f ibr osis r elat ed t o t h e cell m em br an e? Cyst ic f ibr osis is a disease t h at cau ses an excess of f lu id pr odu ct ion in t h e lu n gs du e t o an ef f ect in t h e calciu m -ion ch an n el. Th is ch an n el con t ain s a pr ot ein t h at is im por t an t f or t he cell m em br an es of t h e lu n gs an d con t r ols t h e level of f lu ids an d m u cu s w it h in t h em . Wh en t h e ch an n el m u t at es t ow ar ds cyst ic f ibr osis m u cu s accu m u lat es w h ich m ak es it ver y dif f icu lt t o br eat h e.