The Word of God in Romania 2015.09.27 - The Word of God at the Feast of the A | Page 3

2015.09.27. under the sufferance on the cross I listened, only to do the will of the Father and the redemption from death of the man lost because of his sin. Therefore, I have become a living example for those who listen to Me with love as I did, because I obeyed and fulfilled the work of obedience, and when My word comes to you, after I have looked among you, in you and for you, oh, fulfill My word upon you exactly, for man, poor of him, has got used not to listen, and especially he has got used to listen to hide from those around him with his disobedience, and it is hard for those who do not listen hiding for disobedience, as they do no longer have the will and the power to confess their disobedience and remain unclean, unhealed from disobedience, and thus they incur upon them sufferance, and their spirit becomes restless and oppresses then, and the fruit of the disobedience upon the one who does not obey becomes weakness, and then the one who disobeys leaves Me and works his things and does not longer has anything from God and for God, for the wages of disobedience is the separation from God of the one who does not obey. Sons, sons, I am telling you My word so that all those who seek Me with you to take it from you, and here it is what I am telling you: Man, you have to take after Me, not after the devil, for I created you in My image and after My likeness. When you give place to the devil in you and in your work then you can make another one in your image and after your likeness too, borrowed from My enemy and yours. Oh, you need much instruction, man, much and always, and if you cannot receive with the word your correction and watching for you, then it hurts you even more when you get what you deserve, for behold, man does not want to listen to the word of correction when this shows him his fall from grace and from God’s good. Oh, sons of men, and you, those who call yourselves God’s sons because you are bap- tized in the church in the name of the Lord, oh, here it is what I am telling you now: be ashamed to sin. Make a cross, mark your body with the sign of the holy cross and put away your lust for sin, (See the selection topic: „About the graven image (icon) and the sign of the cross 4 ”, r.n.) the desire which get you sweetened with the poisonous sin. Put away the lust for sin, the lust for drinking and eating in a sinful way, the lust for smoking and immorality in your own body and the lust for any other sins that come from the devil’s advice, who gives you to get you sweetened with the things he is pleased to see in man in order to pull the man away from God. You will need God’s help, protection and salvation from Him for you. The soldier of old, before whom the temptation in the image of a woman, lustful for the sin committed in the body between her and him, was helped by spirit of the fear of God, and with this power he rejected the sinful moment, fleeing from temptation, and the next day he remained alive among many dead people in the battle who fought against the enemy of his people, and then the Lord showed him how he was to die from the bullets if he were not able to overcome the sin which came into his way, and how that place remained a green patch where he was when the bullets flew all over on the battlefield, but he was saved by the cleanness of his body, which protected him. Oh, behold, do no longer sin, and be ashamed to commit this sin. Make a cross so that the Lord may help you to escape the snare of sin. The earth has been filled everywhere from the sin in the people and tries to go deeper and deeper with everything it is on it. Oh, leave 4 You can also see on: the-sign-of-the-cross 3