The Word of God in Romania 2015.01.19 - The Word of God at the feast of Epiph | Page 3
full of humility, and I am and I remain the Lord of those who take after Me in their body
and spirit, the Lord of those who are humble.
I am coming back here with My voice for the glory of the feast of Epiphany and I am
staying with you, with those who have come to the spring. The river of My word is flowing
upon you and baptizing you with the Holy Spirit, and the land is baptized in the river of
My word and the waters on the earth and under the earth are also being baptized, as it is
written: «The Lord has hardened and set the earth on the waters and rivers», and man has
to speak and understand with fear the Lord’s creation, the heaven and the earth, and in no way
is he supposed to think with his mind and spread to the sides his haughty mind with which he
wants to tempt the Maker and His mysteries. (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of
life 3 ”, r.n.)
Oh, let no one rely on the man who says that he knows, that he understands, for the
Lord’s mysteries are unfathomable, and the Lord keeps them all within His dominion and He
reveals Himself as much as He knows to do this as needed, as at Jordan He revealed Himself
as God’s Son and the crowds saw Him, after John the Baptist preached that He would come. I
have John at My table of word, My godfather. He and I appeared at Jordan and We confessed
each other: he appeared as the Baptist and I was the One Who was baptized, coming from the
Father to do His work on earth.
You, those who have come at the bosom of My word on a day of Epiphany, oh, learn
what humility and its greatness are, sons. It is hard for the man to get used to such a beauty
upon him, but he who loves Me looks at Me and tries to take after Me in spirit, and happy are
those who seek to be with Me in all their things and moments, and I suffer very much from the
Christians who pretend that can serve two masters, that for a time they can stay with one and
then with the other. Oh, I suffer from this and I wait for the simple one to get wisdom.
I am setting My whole protection over the Romanian country and I refresh it al-
ways. I take care of it, as it is My today’s country and I always want to put it to watch and
on a day of Epiphany I am telling her: Watch, oh, watch, My dear country! I am with My
kingdom into your midst and I sieve My word upon you and I keep you under this shelter.
I am blessing you with the water of Epiphany and I am exhorting your sons to a spirit of
repentance, for this spirit is protecting from danger and it is a great adornment, too, over
the one who has got it. Oh, peace to you; peace to you all the time! I am into your midst
with the word of My mouth and I prepare your glory. Behold, I am refreshing the spirit of the
holy watch so that you may cleanse yourself from all the evil that is in you and upon you, that
the heaven of saints may be your shelter, and that My Mother may cover you with her omo-
phorion. I, the Lord, am now with a day of Epiphany into your midst, and how much I
would like the time of the feasts to come back to their places, as there their time and place
in time are, as your ancestors were celebrating the feasts of the saints, oh, My country!
Oh, how much I suffer that today you do not have knowledge of the feast of Epiphany on
your hearth with the whole of your house! Oh, until when?
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