The Word of God in Romania 2014.11.21 - The Word of God at the synod of the s | Page 2
I have come on earth to suffer for man. I had suffered much before I came to receive a
body among people, I had suffered in the Father and I am still suffering with the Father now,
after went to the Father after My resurrection, and I am suffering with the Father as in the time
after the man’s fall, for I lost him. Oh, sons, whoever loves Me with all his heart, with all his
being, that one loves My sufferance as well and comforts it for Me when he suffers for it with
his affection in him, but whoever does not love Me, he flees from sufferance, he flees from
God, from the One Who suffers for each man and from each man. Oh, why should I suffer from
something else but for man, for My building in whom I put My life? I also suffer for the angels
who were deceived by man when man exalted himself above Me after his creation and when
the angels served his thought, My closest angels and closest to the work of My heavenly
glory, and then there entered wickedness against the man who used them for his pride, by which
My closest angels fell after that, for pride does not have any place with God, and man was not
able to stay near Me with it either and he went away from God’s presence like the angels who
served his pride at his beginning with God. However, now, My angels, do not serve the man’s
pride but flee from the proud man and from his sins and they help only those who are humble
and stooped under the burden of their heavy sins and those who seek after the Lord for their
Oh, how sweet is My Spirit, how sweet I am speaking to you! I have given you the news
that I am waiting for you at the spring with sweetness, with longing and with My sons who are
attending at My table of word and at the feast from the table, and you have come to the spring.
There is so much singing, so much commotion and much love in the air and near you! Oh, I am
sharing with you so much comfort, only for you to feel it, sons! My word and the whole heav-
enly activity are like a song in the air here, and you are little trees. (See Matt: 13/31,32 3 , Mark:
4/32) Be faithful for everything that I am speaking to you about My glory with you here. If you
pass through a grove you hear the singing of the birds, you hear their various chirps and even
if you do not see them, you believe them; you believe that they are there and they chirp standing
on the sprigs above you. You hear all their kinds of chirps and you believe that they are there.
Oh, in the same way I am, and I am with the saints in the air and I am speaking with them
and those who have ears to hear with them hear Me, and I am telling you all these to know,
sons, that the Lord is speaking and that His voice is heard. (Matt: 25/6 4 ) Oh, how can say
those who hear the Lord, how can they say that the Lord is not, that the Lord is not speaking?
Behold why I, the Lord, urge you to be gentle for those who are not gentle do not believe the
Lord and do not love Him like some children. He who does not love the Lord is not a child and
leaves the Lord’s presence as though he were a grown up and little by little he gets lost, and
then tears are needed for him, as I, the Lord, Who built the man, have for him.
You, Christian mothers and fathers of this word, you, who have children that left for the
world after they had stayed little for Me for a while, pray, oh pray to pull them out of this deep,
so enticing to lose the man, and your prayer with power will be effective, because I prayed and
I pray to the Father with supplication to receive and then to fulfill that which I have been asking
Him for.
«Jesus also presented another parable to them, saying, “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of
mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field. It is indeed smaller than all seeds, but when it is
grown, it is the biggest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air can come and find shelter in
its branches.”» (Matt: 13/31,32)
«But at midnight there was a cry, ‘Behold! The bridegroom is coming! Come out to meet him!’»
(Matt: 25/6)