The Word of God in Romania 2014.09.27 - The Word of God at the Feast of the H | Page 3
makes man forget about the Lord and slip to weaknesses and then it makes him to be deceived
by them even in the time of hardship, and then the one who is only after comfort for his pains
loses his mind. However, I, the Lord, leave the man at the mercy of the comforts he has been
looking for and I go away from him with My help, as man also goes away from the Lord and
joins with the man in time of trial.
Oh, people on earth, sick or not, from the sickness of unbelief, which only men have,
here it is what I, the Lord, am telling you on a day of the feast for My cross: I am telling you
that God is long enduring and that man is not, and man should endure not God, for God
is patient with the one who does not endure and He has long-endurance for him. Oh, why
man does not endure? And if he does not endure, what does he do? Behold, man does not bear
his guilt and patience for it. He shakes off the guilt before the others because he does not want
to bear his guilt, and it is not fair for him to do so, to make injustice to God, to make the Lord
endure because of his guilt. How is for the Lord to endure in man’s place? Oh, the Lord endures
the laugh of the devil, the Lord always endures the devil’s joy against Him and against man,
for the devil always prevails against man and it goes to the Lord to show Him what man does
and in order to receive the part due to it from the fight against man, because man lets himself
be overcome and then he is ashamed to admit what he had done; and moreover, he always
vindicates oneself and he has got used to it; he has got used to shaking his guilt off, to forgiving
his guilt always and no longer to taking upon him before his fellowmen, but I did not do this, I
did not shake Myself off it, and I did not say: “I did not do it.”
Oh, men on earth, learn from Me that I stayed under the guilt and I did not say:
“I am not guilty.” However, even more, I stayed under the guilt in the name of those who were
guilty. Oh, learn the carrying of the cross, and you will be healed from unbelief, for the unbelief
is an opinion and perishes like the unfaithful man, but faith is power and is a carried cross, and
this brings salvation and victory for man for his life and then for eternity. Amen.
Oh, My people, people with a cross like your Lord, humble yourself as guilty, son, hum-
ble yourself always because I also humbled Myself. Oh, humble yourself, and remain hum-
ble and stay on your knee because of your guilt, for there is no man more exalted than the
one on his knees, than the one who carries his cross. Man is guilty, and the cross and its
heaviness are the bearing and the cleansing of his sins, and the free will humility, humility that
frees the man from his guilt.
Oh, sons, be humble to one another! Be like this always and live a sweet life by your
humility, for whoever does not have humility is separated from the Lord, but you are My people,
well sons, I come to you and give you food from heaven, and I give you word from My mouth
to be alive, to be, well sons.
The carrying of the holy cross is My today’s teaching. Let all take from it, those who
want to come after Me and to be like Me and like you, oh, sons. Amen.
We will go back now into the book to set in it My word which has been staying ready
within Me for two weeks in order to be put into the book and to begin with it the Christian year,
as man does no longer know; man does no longer know to be like the saints.
Oh, peace to you, sons! Stay awake, stand before Me; be careful, be hospitable with My
coming, sons! Amen, amen, amen.