The Word of God in Romania 2014.05.04 - The Word of God on the third Sunday a | Page 2
I have prepared My army and the table from above of My Spirit and My saints, and We
are sitting down with a holy feast here, where those who have found Me here are gathering at
My spring of word. I am here now with great commotion from heaven. Oh, the commotion of
those who are not visible of the invisible world is greater than that of the bodies of the visible
world. The wind stirs the entire nature on earth when it blows passing by with its work. In the
same way is with the wind, which moves the invisible world of the spirits and the world of the
bodies redeemed for the Lord, the world on which the whole movement of the visible world
and all its nature depends. The spirit of the hand, that little thread which moves the man’s hand,
shows that the hand also has a correspondent in the spirit. With what do the angels and the
devils write the visible things heard from man? They write them with a pencil, and man can
hardly believe and understand how this movement takes place, with the help of what it is written
by those who are without a body, good or bad. It is like in the dream when man dreams that
he is awake when he sleeps.
I am telling you these to perceive those that are not seen and their work, for they are
with the saints in a feast here, in the garden, and We meet you when you come and We set you
at the table and then We sit down with you, I and My mother Virgin, My prude male and female
disciples, for whom We are celebrating now here, and We also have with Us those that went
to sleep with hope; We have them here with Us and with you, and their joy is great and
they stay in a feast of My resurrection even from the first day of Passover, when they
share the Passover with you from the Lord’s Passover, and they have remained, and they
are here now and are sitting with Me at the table, for you have made their memorial, you
who are serving Me here for I have set you as servants for the resurrection of the dead,
well sons, and for the food from above of those who believe and often gather here near you and
wait for the word of My mouth; they wait for the Lord when they come here at the spring. (See
the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead 3 ”, r.n.)
Oh, what a great heavenly joy from you to Us, and how beautiful is here, at the meeting
between you and Us! Oh, peace to you! “Christ has risen!” are telling you all those who are
celebrated on this day, My male and female disciples from two thousand years ago! It is a day
of love among those in heaven and among those on earth and it is as in heaven, not as on earth.
Before dawn, I see the condition and I speak every moment once with it, as God’s mystery is
great; it is great and it is not understood by mind, but is perceived by faith instead, with the help
of the angel of the man’s heart, who watches and knows.
Before My entire word upon you I am exhorting you all on this day of My teaching on
you, those gathered at My merciful voice, and I am telling you now: do not get intoxicated with
wine, but with God’s love sons. He who drinks wine among those who are called Christians
does not have God’s love. Not those who come into the house, oh, it is not those that drink
wine, for if they were those who sin, making out of wine sin for them, oh, the wine would no
longer be in their house. Those who make a sin out of wine are those who like drinking wine
and are tempted by it, and they get intoxicated from it in their head and mind when they drink
wine, and they look for wine openly and secretly, or with those who drink wherever they may
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