The Word of God in Romania 2014.04.07 - The Word of God at the feast of the A | 页面 6

2014.04.07. go and heal those you have thrown down by your discontentment against them, as man easily slips to hatred, and no man has to be nourished with hatred, as man needs love and not hatred. And be careful because when hatred appears and grows in man, then it kills to two sides, and even to three sides if it is nourished, if the weak hearts cannot resist it in order to leave and so that it may not make any nest and living in the nest, to the falling of the weak ones. Furthermore, I will also exhort you in many other things, sons, for I have the work of protection upon you. And now, let us praise My mother Virgin, the queen, for I am the Son of King, and she is My mother, My bride, and she is a queen. I was in one spirit with her all her time before the Annunciation by the angel upon her, and then I had been one body with her until I grew up in her womb to My birth as a Child in the flesh, and then I was and I am one spirit with her, in the same heavenly dwelling forever, and the Father always blesses; He always blesses near Me, My way to the people, My queen, My mother Virgin. Oh, praise My name and yours, mother, a royal name, My mother, and the Father Sab- aoth rejoices over the joy of the days of My glory with those in heaven and on earth. Oh, My Father, rejoice over Me and with Me, and let there be on the earth miracles spoken by My mouth by Your word in this glorified time. Bless the Romanian people for its peace and protection, Father, and take out from it those who are completely foreign to God and to God’s will, for the Romanian people is a Christian people after its name, but let it be also with its life, because I had given My life so that I may have a Christian people on earth, Father. Now, I let My peace upon you, people of My word. I am embracing you, for I am your Shepherd and God, and be careful to know who is hold in the arms, and take care to be small and clean so that I may carry you in My arms, so that I may be able to have you, so that you may not get lost or that I may not lose you too, son, and take care to remain forever Mine; to remain My people, My Romanian people, so that I may have you in heaven forever, and that I may be able to give you the new heaven and the new earth. Amen, amen, amen. 07-04-2014 Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here: 6