The Word of God in Romania 2014.03.09 - The Word of God on the first Sunday o | Page 2

2014.03.09 Oh, peace to you, peace to those who have been ruling in time over My church and have given to it the holy order for a beautiful walking on the way with Me of the sons of the church, of those who have chosen Me, as the way and the truth and as their life! It is Sunday and we have a special feast, we have to speak to the church. May My work and yours be blessed on this day of holy teaching over God’s sons, over the Lord’s house on the earth. Amen. — Oh, how beautiful, Lord, how beautiful it is when order is made in the house and when it is kept for the whole holiness and the beauty of the house! Oh, how beautiful! This is what we did in the time of our fight for You on the earth, for the kingdom of the heavens with us. We put heavenly order in Your house, in Your church, and we left this order to be kept, Lord. Oh, how beautiful it is to speak from the heaven about God’s house on the earth, about the order in it, about faith and about the fathers, oh, how beautiful, Lord! It is hard time on the earth, and it has always been like that for those who have truly desired after You, and behold, on earth there is no longer; no one takes care of Your house, oh, Lord. The people are Your house, the Orthodox people, but how little the order is kept in Your house, Lord. Your house is the Orthodox people, but how little the order is kept in Your house, Lord! Oh, we are coming, we, those with mercy on Your flock, as we also were on the earth, full of mercy for the man without God on the way. We are coming to comfort, to strengthen on the way those who love You and want You to be their life. Oh, sons of the church, the church is the Lord’s house and the house of the faithful sons who are obedient to Him. Oh, be very careful how you call yourselves and how you appreciate your name of the Orthodox Christian, for behold, the sons of the Orthodoxy are pointed at and the sons of men stumble because of the lack of holy order over the Lord’s house and over the walking of the Orthodox people. And now, oh holy shepherds over the church, you have a name of shepherds and you have to shepherd the life of Christ’s church. We shepherded for the Lord the flock of the Ortho- doxy. How do you work? Do you work like us? Do you take care so that the flock may be on the way with pasture on it, and not wandering away in the thorns? Oh, take care so that you may not be wolves. Take care of the work you do and take care of what it brings over the Lord’s people. Oh, be careful to distinguish between a wolf and a shepherd, for the wolf has only the garment of shepherd, and he does not have his likeness to the Christ Shepherd, and one like this cannot do the Christ’s work over the church. Oh, take care so that you may not graze yourselves and that is all, lest you may receive the reward of the paid shepherds and receive their punishment in the end. Therefore, love holiness from which the fear of God comes in you and then the holy faith and take care for the Lord’s church, according to the order from the Lord and that from the saints, not as the earthly order is, for the church is the Lord’s house and it has order from heaven on it. Get up early in the morning, wake up well and tend well the flock if you have taken the shepherd’s robe and rod, for this work and its fruit will be required from you, the fruit of the right faith over the sons of the church. Oh, behold, the pain from you goes up to the Lord, shepherds of the church, for on this Sunday you stay with your purse open so that it may flow into it the little money from the hand of those who have and from those that do not have, and this is the work of the churches on this day. Oh, no! This is not how the faith of the church is celebrated on Sundays. Do not seek to 2