The Word of God in Romania 2013.08.28 - The Word of God at the feast of the A | Page 4
Behold, here is the Lord’s land, His inheritance, like the people whom He has chosen for
Himself. I was walking with propriety on the earth, and the earth was being sanctified under my
humble steps and it was startling with comfort under my good spirit. Oh, comfort the heaven and
the earth, sons. But first much light on earth is needed, and then the new heaven and the new earth,
worked by love, for love is the light by which the Lord said in the beginning, «Let there be light!»
And it was light at His word, and His word is love, sons.
I come and thank you for your coming at my feast. I am giving you of my grace, of the spirit
of my wisdom I give you many gifts, only for you to feel their fragrance, only for you to desire
them, those that I carried in my wisdom on the earth. Peace to you! Like my Son, I also give you.
— Oh, peace to you, My mother! Their hearts have been filled with sweet food, with holy
longing, mother. May this holy seed find protection and care in them and may it grow after that
and become a dear flower, the spirit of wisdom, which you had in you on the earth, oh, My mother.
Oh, sons, you should keep sweetly in you and among you the love that My mother Virgin
revealed to you. Receive each other, but if you do not desire one another to be among you as I
wanted you to come to Me and to spend with you, then you will not welcome each other sweetly
and longingly, and you will not be able to know when you reject the Lord if you reject the brothers.
The longing for the Lord has to be in the brothers, and only they can be brothers to each other and
then brothers in Me, and the longing of God will remain in them and the longing will lead them
and they will walk in the way of the confession and of the feelings from above, the feelings of
love, sons.
Oh, come to My meeting with you, for I prepare your steps to the last day of My trumpet
sounding, and I start teaching you from now for it and with it. This is the place of the coming of
My word on earth, and this place is not like the other dwelling places known to be as worshipping
places and which are at the hand of each passer-by who leaves his habits there, who leaves his
spirit, his restless steps, which are everywhere with the worldly spirit, with a worldly walking, the
ground trampled by those who do not walk with propriety for the Lord and for the cleanness of the
places consecrated to the Lord, for man sanctifies the place and not the place sanctifies man,
and for those spoiled in man, man spoils the place, and the places spoil man, as it is seen every-
where on earth.
Be full of longing and love when My trumpet sounds above you to take your steps to My
spring of word and to My spending with you and with those in heaven here, sons. Behold what a
sweet feast in heaven and on earth is! I am accompanied by heavenly hosts. On My both sides and
of My mother Virgin I am sitting with My disciples at the today’s table, as two thousand years ago
at a feast like this. Oh, the Romanian country is comforted all around by My mother Virgin and is
watched with its love and protection, but the sweetest land for heaven in this Romanian land is
here, where I set the table of word so that My sharers may have something to give further,
only that there may be someone to receive and the one who receives to be able to live by My
Oh, Romanian people, I suffer so much because you do not want to hear My voice, which
cries on your heart after man! Oh, church of the Romanian people, how worldly you spend into
the midst of this nation that is cold in his search for Me! Oh, how long will you be able to call