The Word of God in Romania 2013.07.22 - The Word of God at the 22-year celebr
The Word of God 1 at the 22-year celebration from the lying of the foundation stone
of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem 2
I have tears in My cheeks and I am coming down from heaven with the saints above the
little garden of My word into the midst of the Romanian people, and I am becoming the word
of memorial of the day of the victory against satan, who interfered with the work of My church
and got his spirit into it and overthrew the feasts of My saints from their places (Changing a
part of the feasts from the Old Style 3 – O.S. – to the New Style – N.S., in the year of 1924,
without a prophetic word from the Lord, and on the contrary, the prophets were against this,
r.n.), and he put enemies in the church ninety years ago and since then it has played as they
have sung; however, I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, twenty two years ago, stood up with a synod of
saints and fathers on the hearth of the Romanian people, and I set My judgment seat on earth
(See the selection topic: „The fearful judgment 4 ”, r.n.) to work from it by the spirit of prophecy
and to speak to the church, as I have been working in all the times since I built the world, and I
have not kept silent, as I am the Creator. By the word I made the heaven and the earth, for I am
the Word of the Father Sabaoth, and the Father is in Me, and from age to age He is in the Son,
and this is how God does His work; God does His work by the spirit of prophecy.
I have spread the news by My voice to the church of the Romanian people that twenty-
two years ago, the heaven celebrated the victory on the earth on the hearth of this nation. I, the
Lord, Jesus Christ, with a great synod of saints, angels, and bishops from heaven and earth,
established with the power from above a foundation stone, and on it the judgment seat,
and on the seat, My word over the earth, which becomes a written book both inside and
outside, for it is divided in parts and it does not separate, for I am the book and the book is My
word, and I fulfill by the word. Amen.
I have tears in My cheeks and I have become the word of memorial of this day, when
after seventy years of the stealing of the holy things, I, the Lord, overcame twenty two years
God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.
Translated by I.A.
Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) (
are sometimes used with dates to indicate either whether the start of the Julian year has been adjusted to start on 1
January (N.S.) even though documents written at the time use a different start of year (O.S.), or whether a date
conforms to the Julian calendar (O.S.), formerly in use in many countries, rather than the Gregorian (N.S.)
The Church Calendar (in Romania) up to 1924 was the same as that of Nicaea, based on severe apostolic
canons, but in 1924, the Scripture of the prophet Daniel was fulfilled: «the people made bold to even change the
times», when the primate metropolitan - of that time, Miron Cristea, (Primate metropolitan = (in the past) a title
given to the first metropolitan of a country; today it would be equal to that of a patriarch) introduced the Gregorian
Calendar (Catholic) as result of a „pan-Orthodox” congress that took place in 1923, in Constantinople. At that
congress, the patriarch of that time, Meletie, proposed the acceptance of the „revised” Julian Calendar,
( which was in accord with the Catholic one for a period up
to the year 2800 and „it was allowing that all the feasts to be celebrated at the same time with those of other
confessions”. «… and he shall wear out the saints of the Most High and he shall think to change the times and
the law…» (Daniel 7/25), r.n.
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