The Word of God in Romania 2013.05.19 - The Word of God on the third Sunday a | Page 4

2013.05.19. wisdom like the Lord, but rather he has got human wisdom, and the man is passing, for he does not want otherwise and he does not believe otherwise too. We are speaking to you with the love in us, with the Lord in us. We miss the Lord in you as He was in us on the earth, and we have a high reward in heaven for our love for Him, which has not gone out in us and between Him and us. Oh, daughters of faith, take care of the way you present your faith and longing of the Lord before Him. Love holiness for those who sur- round you and for you after that. The Holy woman has to be a holy teacher for holiness around her. Saints and holiness are needed on earth, while immorality and its spirit go on the way with every man as before the Flood. The woman does no longer dress and is naked before the eyes of all the passers-by, and the man is more dressed than the woman, and there is only Sodom and Gomorrah wherever man rules, and where man knows that the name of God is written, there hypocrisy reigns on a high throne, the dough about which the Lord spoke to the disciples to keep away and not to deceive the nations of the earth like those who say to others what to do and they do not do what they say. (See the selection topic: „As in the days of Noah 6 ”, r.n.) Oh, many women have put over them, man’s clothing, only to take care of Christ in them, and then to take care of them in Christ and to take care of those around them so that the weak man may not fall down at the sight of their female body, as from the very beginning the woman has weakened the man and divested him of the Lord for the love for her. Oh, the woman’s exaltation is to be covered and to put a scarf for the angels on her head, for the angels have the sign of submission on their angelic head then when they appear to be seen, and then their appearance to be told, from which people have to learn. The woman who loves God does no longer love the man with the same love, but she only honors him, and she becomes pleasant to her Bridegroom, to her Husband from heaven, and she gets ready only for Him, with every- thing He likes; on the contrary, the woman who loves herself gets people who submit to her desires and draws those around her towards her and she becomes a stumbling block in the man’s life, and who is able to be saved from this precipice of soul? Man always seeks, he always seeks, and he seeks life for sin. It is written into the book of today of God’s word that you will no longer see an old man that he goes and comes in through a door as an old man and comes out on the other door a young man and man becomes beautiful for sin. Oh, you man who go wrong very much and you punish God inside and outside of you, do no longer seek; do no longer look for happiness! Look for tears for your many sins, for if you do not come to repentance for the wicked things of your life, then there will come one day when you see yourself as in a mirror with your life full of sin. Oh, who is to save man from woman when even after death he is useful to the woman? Behold, if the woman does not love holiness and the Lord, she becomes a stumbling block for man. I have spoken to you with great joy and I have also wanted to give instructions for holiness and exhortation against the sin that punishes God in man. Few are those to whom 6 You can also see on: noah noah.html 4