The Word of God in Romania 2013.05.05 - The Word of God at the feast of the L | Page 2

2013.05.05. have you close for Me and not for you, and I have you close for the salvation of many, sons, for I have always come to you as the word of the new birth of the world and of the man, and this is how I gather from here and there people who love God more than they love the flesh and the fleshly pleasures, pleasures, which go into the soul and then bring it into bondage to sin and to separation from God, sons, and I suffer, and I suffer because the Christians and the people do not love Me, well sons, and I suffer that they do not have a ruler upon them to teach them self-denial and then to teach them the seeking after Me, for I am the Master of the heaven and the earth and the Christians and the people do not serve Me, and rather they serve themselves day and night, and then they come to the end of the thread of their life and long after the paradise and after God’s mercy for their eternal life then. I tell you all these to believe Me sufficiently as I do not have anything but you, and also to believe this those who think that they are close to God with their life, with their works, with their election and with their wisdom, but for man is hard to stay close to Me, it is too hard for him. Oh, who was close to Me in My most difficult pain two thousand years ago? No one was able to endure with Me everything I had to bear and pass through at that time, but I had great love and watch for Me, My female disciples, those who had nothing to do but to follow Me and to give Me all their love, all, sons, all their longing, and nothing stood against them, for this is the whole love; it is the force which keeps away any opposing power, any satanic thought, and this was seen then. And I brought My disciples under protection; I protected them by the word spoken upon them and upon those who wanted to seek them for My name, and I kept them for the testimony of My resurrection according to My living with them three years and a half, from place to place on earth for the comfort of the pains everywhere they were coming with those who were very weak, so that I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, could comfort their pains as all those who were sick knew Me and were seeking Me, and My female disciples and all those, who helped them for My glory at that time, served Me and My disciples with zeal, and they took great care and always for the good condition of My work over the earth, and then they took great care to the spirit of confession upon people and kings, for I went to the Father to be with them near Him to the end of the time, as I promised them, and now they all come together around you, My sons of today on the earth, and I am with them near you to the end, and, behold, it is more now in the end, for My word ordains, works and finishes any beginning and it lifts it up to its place, and all the things are mysterious and a new heaven and a new earth is being worked, and the word of the Scripture of the new creation of the world does not lie, but the people of the earth have only fleshly eyes and only earthly mind, because the people do not want to give the eyes of their spirit and its dwelling place, that is the mind, to give to God and the Lord to make them in His image and after His likeness, so that the people may see the Lord and follow Him then as you also follow Him. Behold, man is born of sin and he lives in vain on the earth and then he suffers forever because he has not understood God in all things; the One Who made the heaven, the earth and then the man for this creation, well sons. Moreover, if I have spoken to you, then I am also speaking to the sons of the earth and I am telling them the greeting of My resurrection, too. Oh, sons of men, oh, sons of the earth, Christ has risen! I, Myself, I, the Lord, bring you the greeting of My resurrection. Pay attention, oh, pay attention that the Lord in the beginning made the heaven and the earth and gave the earth as an inheritance to the people; however, the heaven, who inherits the heaven? Oh, who really inherits the heaven, sons of the earth? If the heaven did not give it, would the earth and the people on it have life, and all the creation that serves the life of the people on earth? Oh, pay attention to where the life on the earth comes 2