The Word of God in Romania 2012.09.27 - The Word of God at the feast of the H | Page 2
from Me gets upset with Me and threatens Me by his behavior and by his word if I want to
reveal him, and that one can no longer be Mine and he leaves and hides in order to leave and
he seeks to go away somehow, for neither the love and nor the fear of God remains in the one
who hides because of his will, because, if at least his fear remained, he would not leave, but he
would humble himself instead, and here it is why man does no longer have any wisdom in order
that he may not commit sin so that separation from God may come upon him!
Man has no fear of God, because he does not like to be with God and he likes to be with
his hiding for his will. Then man denies his cross, rejects his uniform, rejects his will for God,
he does no longer like to have a cross, and he does not like to be with Me and, therefore, he
becomes God’s opponent, because the cross means steadfastness and obedience to God in
submission and it is the sign that one belongs to God, (See the selection topic: „About the
graven image and the sign of the cross 3 ”, r.n.) but whoever is ashamed to obey and to humble,
that one is also ashamed with a cross and he does not remain under this sing, under the sign of
the one who is submitted under the work of submission before God for the carrying of the cross.
It is known the man who carries a cross as well as the one who does not have love to
follow the Lord for the carrying of the cross. As without a shirt one cannot stay in such a way
that the nakedness of his body may not be seen, in the same way man cannot belong to God
without carrying his cross, without having this uniform, the obedience in submission for it,
as I required of the man in paradise to wear between him and God for the Lord’s will in him
and with him. He who is dissatisfied is displeased because he does not understand the mys-
tery of the carrying of the cross. The one who is not satisfied needs love and he suffers for
love, as if he deserves it. He does not know to give love without wanting to receive back love
and honor.
The one who is dissatisfied cannot be called a cross carrier and cannot build a way to
God and to his rest with God. How can he say: “Holy cross, help me!”? How can the one, who
is discontent, say that? He cannot tell discontentment to help him, since discontentment is that
that throws him down. Oh, the life that you live can help you, man. You should have it as
your help, man, and then you should also ask it to help you to God. Your life is the cross,
which can carry you and help you, but if you are not a cross carrier and you are always gloomy
in trials and you are discontent, then which cross do you ask to help you anymore, because you
are not a cross carrier?
Oh, sons of My word that grows you up in order to be Mine, behold, the sons of men
get ready and they are more and more painted, more adorned, more perfumed, more good-
looking to draw the eyes of those around and to have great success, as they say; however you,
sons, you should also get ready more and more, and you should want even more to have your
adornment with God, to draw to Me all those who look at you and see Me in you and with
you, so that I may have great success through you before them and so that they may take
Me as their love, as their life, so that they may take Me as their guide, of their light from
haven on the way with them; they should also take Me as the cross they carry and not the
cross from the people for them, but they should take from only the Lord and carry.
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