The Word of God in Romania 2012.09.21 - The Word of God at the feast of the B | Page 5
minds burn pressing you to the hatred among brothers! You have brought about great division
among the Romanian brothers. Oh, why have you done this? Whom do you really serve, by the
spirit of lie and hatred among brothers? Oh, it is not beautiful to take the side of lawlessness,
which has worn you down very much, for the transgression cannot bring anything good by its
work, but rather it brings only snare and stumbling and it catches under it those that work it. I
bow before my Son Jesus Christ for you and I am speaking to Him like this:
Wake up, Lord, raise Your hand and do not forget Your loved ones to the end, for they
wait for You to save them from the work of those who are rebellious among them! Lord, set a
limit to the rebellion and to the steps of those who work it, and make them feel remorse and
have a spirit of repentance, and then give them, Lord, the fear of God, for without it they perish
little by little and they do not know what they do, poor of them. I gave You birth in my virginal
womb and I gave You to be the God of the Romanian people then when You came and when the
Israel people denied You, the one to which You came from the Father. I have stayed as a great
protector over this nation since then and up to this day, and I have loved it for You, dear Son,
I have loved it much and I have closely watched over its borders and Your mystery with it into
its midst, for behold, You have the people of Your word into its midst and You keep it with its
little hands raised up to the Father, as we also stay near it and always bring this nation to the
Father with living prayer for its destiny from God during this time.
Oh, loved people, stay with longing and with your heart filled with the Lord before Him
for you and for the Romanian people, and the Lord will give you great love, like His love, for
the Romanian people has to come to life in the mystery of the glory which is to be upon it with
my Son, Jesus Christ, the victor against satan, the old serpent, which has separated man from
God. However, may your watch be for the Lord’s coming on the earth, oh, little and watching
people before Him, and the Lord will always come and will shepherd the Romanian people with
an iron rod, with the word from above, and His teaching will flow over the people, as it is
written about the mount of God’s wisdom on the earth, of which the nations of the earth will
take and seek to the Lord to the end of the time. Amen.
Peace to you, oh, Romanian people! Appreciate the Lord’s gift into your midst! Be care-
ful to his word upon you and take it from those who share God from your midst, for He accom-
plishes His every spoken word, from the beginning and up to this day and then on to all the
ages. The Lord is coming to you as word, oh, Romanian people. Stand up to meet Him and come
to His love and to His likeness in your love, for God is love, and only He is love. Amen.
— I am the Alpha and the Omega, oh, mother Virgin. I am the One Who spoke the word
of the Father in the beginning, and I am His word from the end and His Son too; moreover, I
am the One born of your virginal womb, mother. You are My mother Virgin. Oh, what a beau-
tiful name of a mother you have, mother Virgin! Only you were and are so, only you, oh, My
mother Virgin, and only I am the Son of the Father and your Son! May all the sons of men be
born of this love, mother! It is a feast of your birth in heaven and on earth on this day. You
came among people two thousand years ago and then you were My mother; you were a virgin
mother, and you gave birth to God on earth. Our mystery is praised between earth and heaven,
and blessed are those who believe in it, mother, and there is no other happiness beside this one,
oh, mother. Let those who want happiness humble and be with Us and like Us, mother. It
belongs to all those who believe in it, of those who are with it, mother. Amen.