The Word of God in Romania 2012.08.02 - The Word of God at the feast of the S | Page 8

2012.08.02. Israel, answer me with fire, and let it be known in Israel that You alone are God in Israel, and that I am Your servant and that You have turned their heart back again». (1 Kings 18:36, 37) And the ministry of the people of Israel happened as Elijah the prophet said and Elijah’s loud prayer came true and fire came out of haven and consumed the burnt offering soaked with much water and the people said: «The Lord is God», and then the people gave all the prophets of Baal to Elijah and the people slaughtered them all, and this work was done after Elijah spoke to the rain not to fall for three years and a half, and on the day of his burnt offering, rain came down on earth and watered the land which was so dry for such a long time, without a drop of water or dew on it. Behold how much fruit a servant of the Lord can bring about among people, and how much damage a servant of the devil can bring about too, as king Ahab with all his subjects did. Oh, My people from everywhere, receive wisdom from My word upon you and get up to serve God with much life in you, as My prophet Elijah did, and your life will be seen and it will be light around you and there will be works of resurrection over many, for God is not confessed by many words but through the deed done by the man who is illuminated by God’s love in him. Amen. — This was my life before You, oh, Lover of my soul, oh, Lord! I was one of Your great prophets, and I have served You with fire in My little heart, and today my spirit has been dwell- ing in Your Spirit and has been perfected in Your word over Your people today, and Your Spirit has been in my spirit, and I was one with Your Spirit in the word for the teaching over Your Israel of today, ordained to be yours from the Romanian people and to stay today and listen to Your voice, which has been released from the clouds upon them, as in the time of Moses when the people of Israel listened to Your whole word coming out of Your mouth, and Moses wanted to give it further to the people of Israel, and as in my time, when You gave to Israel Your word that was upon me, and I turned the Israel from idols to You and then the people have confessed You on that day on the Mount of Carmel as true God, my God, and the people said: «The Lord is God!» Oh, how greatly You have confessed on my day of feast both the man’s obedience and his lack of obedience, the man’s work of paradise or the lack of its work, the view from heaven of the Christians’ works from everywhere, and on which Your will is still much to be fulfilled, Your word spoken to the man whom You set in the place of his dwelling for him, in paradise, so that the man could work it and keep it, oh, Lord. Let all pay attention to Your voice of today, all those who call themselves Christians on earth and those who have dwellings and gardens around them to work and to keep them into the midst of the earth. Those who serve Baal do not have time to serve God and they stop the rain in heaven from coming down on earth, and there are no longer prophets as I was so that they may speak and release the rain to come when it is stopped by the people from coming and when it is kept in heaven. On this day, You have called the people to the obedience of God and You have breathed from haven and it has been written on the earth Your word of today, which can teach any man that in the same way he works and keeps by his working his house, his garden and his place of dwelling with those around him used from near him, in the same way he works his life between him and You; oh Lord, he does the same. Man makes much garbage, very much, and he leaves it everywhere, and the garbage smells so badly because it is garbage; on the contrary, man should be like a flower, he has to smell like a flower, which comforts You with its beauty and its fragrance, oh Lord. The saints cry both on earth and in heaven because of the man’s lack of God, for man does not care to stand before God and he forgets about this very much. Oh, who 8